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The unedited PR1 to PR2 changelog (so far...)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:39 am
by R.Flagg
Version 1.03
* Added SR shell casings code - [Gasman]
* Added in Turrets - [Jb]
* Added in CLAW2 AWO key - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with charged arrows not recieiving any charges - [Jb]
* Fixed issues were alt fire xbow had a higher ROF than pri fire - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with charged (timed) nades not recieiving the proper charges - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with Random Gravbelts not showing up on some maps - [Jb]
* Tweaked SR RPB bullet damage amount to 90 hp's on first hit and took out blowup damage - [Gasman]
* Tweaked Naplam/Poison effects to help them not to stay on clients in on-line games - [Jb]
* Fixed Claw2 AWO key to handle proxies properly - [Jb]
* Added a fix to keep the bots flashed - [Jb]
* Moved the Koth Map List from the user.ini to the ut2003.ini - [Jb]
* Tweaked Cutterbladeimpact maxparticles to 10 so as to keep the fps up on some machines - [Gasman]
* Tweaked Cutter and Ripperfire so that all anims now play after you reload blades - [Gasman]
* Tweaked Cutter Pickup to be more centered on its collision - [Jb]
* Fixed most of the turret on-line issues - [Jb]
* Added Turrets to the Class 0 Weapons rotation list - [Jb]
* Tweaked weapon pickups so that you don't get selected msg on a dropped weapon - [Gasman]
* Tweaked casingshells so they stay 2 secs longer - [Gasman]
* Added in Spa's Head Gib Models - [Jb]
* Removed Checkreflect function from RIpperblade as this was causing crash when blades hit sheildgun - [Gasman]
* TweakTurrets to allow for proper rotataion when view from camera - [Jb]
* Code Complete for IR1 - [Jb]

* Changed verision number - [Jb]
* Added Needle ammo - [Jb]
* Decreased the time small turrets wait before they blow up - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with turrets not holding the right ROF if you changed ammo on them - [Jb]
* FIxed issue where if you were spec a turret and it died you were stuc in spec mode - [Jb]
* More Tweaks to the needler (lowered ammout of needels and added needle effect) - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with Spa's Models not showing up in on-line games - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with turrets crashed when you try to change teams in teamgames - [Jb]
* Remove log statement in Alt ERDW Fire - [Jb]
* Fixed AN's in NeedleAltproj - [Gasman]
* Added The turretlauncher to the MadFragger Mut command - [Jb]
* Fixed animation bug on ERDW when you reloaded & no firing anims or sound would play - [Gasman]
* Fixed issues with viewing turrets and not getting the HUD in on-line games - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with Turret frags not being recorded correctly in stats - [Jb]
* Fixed an issue when you reloaded the turret it stayed in the OutOfAmmoState tooo long - [Jb]
* Added ability for the Enhaced mode of the Sniper Rifle to pick out proxy and turret owners when and displays their name - [Jb]
* Fixed AN in FillPlayInfo from the CUT Mut (array out of bounds error) - [Jb]
* Fixed it so Turret rockets will not shoot through thier owenr - [Jb]
* Added the Turret Launcher to the file - [Jb]
* Resized gib heads to match body size - [Gasman]
* Added DJ's Proxy Invasion stuff - [Jb]
* Added back in the fix to get the Random Gravbelt to spawn at a valid path node (and not at the (0,0,0) as some maps did not have that spot) - [Jb]
* Tweaked HUD on turret - [Jb]
* Added Spa's models for needle proj - [Jb]
* Added Spa's sounds for Turret - [Jb]
* Fixed AN's in NeedleEffects - [Gasman]
* Fixed some spelling errors in DamTypeNeedler [Gasman]
* Fist pass of Duel - [Jb & DJ]
* Fixed sound issues in Turrets - [Gasman]
* Added a check for turret spawning on a mover - [Gasman]
* Tweaked Duel Scoreboard a bit - [Jb]
* Added in Duel Hud - [Jb]
* Tweaked Duel Game play (so you could not get killed after you won a round - [Jb]
* Removed an un-used var from the Koth Huds - [Jb]
* Hard coded Max duel for 8 players - [Jb]
* Tweaked score board so it can fit the max of 8 players with out over lap - [Jb]
* Upded CUT Testing center to add in needl ammo and turret pickup - [Jb]
* Added DUEL-Gael - [Jb]
* Changed Duel to look for maps with pre-fix of DUEL - [Jb]
* Renames some of the Duel files to remain consistent (could not rename duel - [Jb]
* Tweaked Duel to remove both player if neither has one when the round time is up - [Jb]
* Added in a ChaosxPawn class that will be the basics for all Chaos Games - [Jb]
* Added in a DuelChaosPawn that does not Deres - [Jb]
* Tweaked HUD to add in Round Timer as well as player vrs specator views - [Jb]
* Added the GUI option to Duel GameRules Tab for weapons - [Jb]
* Added Duel Options to the ChaosMapInfo - [Jb]
* Added in the 4 weapons options to duel (chaos, ut2k3, map or melees) - [Jb]
* Added in Framework for Duel GUI InGame Menus - [Jb]
* Added in Duel Welcome and ECS menus to GUI - [Jb]
* Added in the rest of the Duel GuI stuff. A lot of it final, some place holders - [Jb]
* Duel now uses your melee settings that the player wanted when melee option is selected - [Jb]
* Added a CMI actor to the Duel-Gael Map in order to test that option - [Jb]
* Added in a fix for removing proxies/lasermines at the end of Duel Rounds - [Jb]
* Added a HasOtherAmmo to the claw to prevent you from changing to the same ammo you have - [Jb]
* Tweaked Loser message and Need more than two players message - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issues with Duel not viewing the right player and not being able to restart in online games - [Jb]
* Added HasOtherAmmo to Sniper, Grenade Launcher, and Crossbow to fix same ammo switch- [Jeditobe1]
* Added CheckOutOfAmmo fix to each of the multiammo ammo classes - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue so that if you play Duel in AI it will auto load at least one bot for you - [Jb]
* Tweaked it so that the ChaosDuelPlayerController was now a child of ChaosPlayerControllerBase to keep things together - [jb]
* Added in bouncing sniper bullets and tweaked bullet spawn point for normal sniper - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue with Bots not using the Duel Pawn class - [Jb]
* Added in CaptinKewls MUG/MUG Flamethrower - [Jb]
* Fixed messages being sent to the wrong person when they take over a Turret - [Jeditobe1]
* Made it so turret will kick viewers when its taken over and also fixed a bug in Weapon Option code for Turret - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked sounds on MUG - [Gasman]
* Code Complete for IR2 - [Jb]

Version 1.05
* Changed verision number - [Jb]
* Fixed WeaponStay in Turrets to be off - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed Duel Scoring issues - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with only one bot getting into IA - [Jb]
* Fixed some of the issues with WebAdmin in on-line games - [Jb]
* Tweaked turret's minigun aim, damage, momentum and bullets - [Jeditobe1]
* Possible fix to keep turrets out of Scoreboard, hopefully it does not cause any other issues - [Jb]
* Fixed the Chaos Map Actor bUseSingleWeapon & SingleWeaponType so that the map will force the loading of the Arena Mut with the mappers choice of weapon (works with the ChaosUT mut and by itselsf - [Jb]
* Changed the AWO of claw to know blow up stuff on the user command - [Jb]
* Added Loq's sniper shell model into Jeff's sniper shell casings - [Jb]
* Possible fix for some maps not loading the map image in the Duel Welcome screen - [Jb]
* Removed PlayerReplicationInfo from turrets - [Jb]
* Fixed a few on-line issues with the duel information not showing up on clients pc - [Jb]
* Removed 1 ammo from the TurretLauncher and altered HasAmmo to allow you to select the empty launcher - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue with Duel not "remembering" your melee weapon pick in on-line games - [Jb]
* Removed Grapple damage from Duel games - [Jb]
* Disabled the CUT ESC menu in Duel Games - [Jb]
* Tidied up turret code a bit - [Jeditobe1]
* Switched some gravbelt slots - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed bug where if you log out of a Deul game online it swtiches to the next map - [Jb]
* Added in the description text to get the Deul rules to show up in server browser - [Jb]
* Removed the MOTH from Duel Hud and placed it in the welcome GUI - [Jb]
* Started to tweak the Weapons tab of the Duel Gui - [Jb]
* Tweaked the weapons tab to now display the weapons in the ChaosMapInfo if mapers choice was slected - [Jb]
* Added in Needle alternate fire projectile and fixed bug with Hitnormal causing needles not to spawn sometimes - [Jeditobe1]
* Added 14 needles to NeedleAltproj for when it explodes and cleaned up logs - [Gasman]
* Added in 2/3 option in the Rules for Duel - [Jb]
* Tweaked the GUI settings - [Jb]
* Fixed Deul to get the game rules to show up in webadmin - [Jb]
* Added in The Deus comprise to get most pickups in Melee (ie no weapon ammo or weapon pickups but other pickups like health, ect) - [Jb]
* Fixed round timer not stopping its count once match ended in Duel - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed to allow duel games to end properly - [Jb]
* Tweaked Duel Hud to show the Round scores a bit better - [Jb]
* Fixed Announcer giving two "Youve Won the match" messages at end of Duel game - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked the Health/Armor so in non-melee games players start out 199 hps and 50 sheild - [Jb]
* Tweaked EndRound so players dont "fall" - [Jb]
* Melee Files for SWORD ONLY have been added into chaosgames,chaosUt packages - [Jb]
* Duel will now use SWORD only - [Jb]
* Melee.u is no longer needed - [Jb]
* Fixed some references to Melee.u that had slipped by in the import - [Jeditobe1]
* Renamed the old Meleefire class as that is the "old" method - [Jb]
* Fixed MeleeSwordAltFire so that it set the animation correctly - [Jeditobe1]
* Commented out a log message in the Duel class that was telling client that they couldnt have axe/double axe, since that option gives them sword now anyways - [Jeditobe1]
* Added a check for the turret in Translaucher code - [Jb]
* Code Complete for IR3 - [Jb]

Version 1.06
* Changed verision number - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with Duel not going into a Overtime (ie tie game) - [Jb]
* Fixed issue were you could grapple at the end of the Round in Duel - [jb]
* Fixed issue with Duel scoreboard in on-line games where it did not draw net stats correctly - [jb]
* Removed the round order number from the specator hud - [jb]
* Fixed Turret AN's when you died before turret spawned - [Gasman]
* Added Health and Sheild info to Duel Specator HUD - [Jb]
* Fixed AN in Killed when a player SUcided - [Jb]
* Possible fix for on-line game when player dies and gets looked into a 1st view hud - [Jb]
* Fixed AN with the map image in the Duel Welcome screen - [Jb]
* Moved the Sheild/Health text and values a bit further apart in the Duel Spectator Hud - [Jb]
* Made logo classes for the new spraypaints in the ChaosGraffiti file - [Jeditobe1]
* Added 22 logo class names to Tab_CUTClientSetting - [Gasman]
* Changed IsPlayerPawn to false in Turret.uc - [Gasman]
* Fixed bug in duel when your are specator and can not get the "ESC" tab - [Jb]
* Added the CUT2 icon to the duel spec hud - [Jb]
* Fixed WebAdmin settings - [Gasman]
* fixed AN and other log messages when bots played Deul/Melee where they did not think they had a weapon - [Jb]
* Made custom shortcut find duel games - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue when you joined a duel game in progress you were stuck and could not change views to spectate - [Jb]
* Tweaked and added spectator huds for Duel and KOTH - [Gasman]
* Added in fix for Phaton Swings - [Jb]
* Attempted to remove the lingering swords when you kill a player as they were blocking you - [Jb]
* Added client side option for Proxy Voice - [Jb]
* Fixed type in the ChaosUT Client Tab that prevented the index-Logo Spray to load - [Jb]
* Finnally fixed bug in Duel using best 2/3 option that would cause weird things when you died, like runing fast with out any weapons - [Jb]
* Fixed issues were Dual Pawns just drop away when they disapear... - [Jb]
* add ability to turn on/off debugging from ini file [jm]
* Add sword swipe trails [jm]
* Possible fix for Gamer (and possibly all mac users) not seeing DUEL prefix, only Duel - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked swipetrail emitter a tad to look more like air - [Jeditobe1]
* Did a major overhaul of blocking code to help with future compatibility and trace issues - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked Duel bots so they would not run away when they were hurt. Note they will back up for a momnet -[Jb]
* Fixed issue with no annoucer "fight" sound in on-line duel matches when you start a new ROUND - [Jb]
* Changed the name of SwipeTrailer to MeleeSwipeTrail to keep things consistant - [Jb]
* Fixed on-line issues of getting the swipe and sword block effects on-line - [Jb]
* Fixed on-line wall hits (did not spawn any sparks) - [Jb]
* Fixed an issue were sometimes you would hold your ending animation stance in on-line games when you killed someone in melee (ie you spawn in that same animation stance) - [Jb]
* Made sure when you block it did not try to swing and thus cause damage - [jb]
* Moved heartbeat to different sound slot so it wont override announcer (very noticible in Duel) - [Jeditobe1]
* Fix directional hit anims sticking, add another debugging display - [jm]
* Code complete for IR4 - [Jb]

* Changed version number - [Jb]
* Fixed issues in on-line games where if you lost you did not see the winner from behind view with the specator hud - [Jb]
* Upped number of spaces from 5 to 7 on the ChaosMapInfo actor - [Jb]
* Fixed AN on ChaosDuelPlayerControler when we tried to reset their stance - [Jb]
* Tweaked Duel to Exclude AR/SG in the mappers choice option - [Jb]
* Tweaked the Multi-ammo Chaos Weapons so that they dont load all of their ammo when mapper option is selected - [Jb]
* Moved the Duel Messages down a bit so they did not take up the same space as the headshot messages - [Jb]
* Added an option to auto load the CUT2 mut in Duel
* Added a work around to load the required CUT2 interaction in Duel Games that did not use the CUT2 mutator so Lenseflares could be seen on the map - [Jb]
* Fixed issue where you the bMapIgnoreCUTWeapons of the CMI was not being used the way duel was giving you the weapons - [Jb]
* Fixed issue where in off-line games the Duel Melee option did not use the players Melee choice - [Jb]
* Fixed issue where if you change your melee weapon, the old weapon was not removed properly - [Jb]
* Added First Pass of the Axe weapons - [Jb]
* Tweaked lifesounds so that heartbeat no longer plays at the end of a Duel round - [Gasman]
* Tweaked PoisonCloudEffect sounds so it does not play so loud and closed the radius to 200uu - [Gasman]
* Fixed AN in Duel InGame Menu - [Jb]
* Renamed and majorly tweaked Paynecam = DuelMeleeDeathCam - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with xhairs and melee weapons on-line - [Jb]
* Fixed issue in blocking code where massive amounts of ANs were being generated - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked the melee swipe trail to remove bright dot - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked ChaosMeleeDeathCam a bit more - [Jb]
* Added back in Pause on the ESC key to single player games - [Jb]
* Added in Melee Bin files - [Jb]
* Added in Shadow Star's logo - [Jb]
* Tweaked descriptions in Deul welcome menu and weapons menu - [Gasman]
* Fixed issue where on voice message it would label you always as a specatator - [Jb]
* Added in the Hammer, Mace, Katana and Templar to Melee Duel - [Jb]
* Resized WarHammerPickup and MacePickup - [Gasman]
* Tweaked Duel Welcome message, added some line breaks to seperate the text - {Gasman]
* Fixed issue with no udamage effects - [Jb]
* Changes Complete for IR5 - [Jb]

* Changed version number - [Jb]
* Added in better blocking support for dual weapons
- [Jeditobe1]
* Moved the behind view changes for melee to BringUp/PutDown to fix bugs with combinations of Melee and normal weapons in Mapper option mode. Fixed weapon models staying if you switch from a melee weapon - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked Crosshair removal for melee so it reappears when you switch to a non-melee weapon - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed Mapper weapons 6 and 7 being ignored - [Jeditobe1]
* POSSIBLE Fix for PhantomSwings, note left some logging vars in the code so you may have some log spam for a bit till we can be sure - [Jb]
* removed some logging to server.log [jm]
* added duel bot weapon selection based on aggression and accuracy [jm]
* Dead bodies stay a bit longer now in Duel - [Jb]
* Added a tweaked weapon guestimates - [Jb]
* Attemped to tweak animations used - [Jb]
* Added new proxy sounds - [Jb]
* Set Respawn Protection to 0 when in Duel to hopefully fix a crashing bug - [Jeditobe1]
* Added in all of Shadowstars sounds (Duel, Melee, ect) - [Jb]
* Added in a fix for the dual axe on the strong fire to prevent it from hitting the ground behind the player - [Jb]
* Lowered damage on the dagger a little (13 to 10) - [Jeditobe1]
* Removed a chop animation from single axe to stop it from hitting ground on backswing - [Jeditobe1]
* Added in Spa's Block Animations - [Jb]
* Code Complete for IR6 - [Jb]

Version 1.09
* Changed version number - [Gasman]
* Commented out turret and MUG in weapons classes for now - [Gasman]
* Fixed AN's in GrenadeLauncher, SRGun, Xbow and Claw when not playing Duel - [Gasman]
* Fixed bug in Duel GUI Weapons screen that would only list 5 of the mappers weapons (instead of 7) - [Jb]
* Added a check in the Duel so when a player leaves we now handle reseting and awarding points correctly - [Jb]
* Added a tweak so that when you play INV and your out of lives, you can control proxies - [Jb]
* Tweaked above Proxy INV to remove players from proxies at the start of a new wave - [Jb]
* Added a proper way to remove Chaos Inv items in Duel when you start a new round after wining the old one - [Jb]
* Added back a 1 sec default to Duel Respawn protection - [Jb]
* Fixed PS by adding in a default animation after each swing - [Jb]
* Removed the force PA option in Client Chaos Settings - [Jeditobe1]
* Added chaosbot version 1 - they now have the IQ of an angry carrot instead of a potato [jm]
* Tweaked Melee weapons a bit to optimize them a bit more for net play - [Jb]
* Removed the added point to the winners score when a player left a game during a round in which that player was playing - [Jb]
* Tweaked the ProxyINV Hud - [Jb]
* Removed the AutoLoad CUT mut option in duel - [Jb]
* Added in Rob's Duel annoucer - [Jb]
* Added in Loq's new dagger skin - [Jb]
* Fixed a bug that only caused the final set of traces to be checked for a hit - [Jeditobe1]
* Code complete for IR7 - [Jb]

Changed version number - [jb]
* Fixed possible triple damage on 6-boned weapons - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue with flip animations being interupted - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with bots locking up duel in non-melee games - [Jb]
* IR 7.1 upped with this code base..still will keep version number as this is not hot fix - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with bodies falling through floors at the end of melee Duel Rounds - [Jb]
* Added in Rob's new sounds for melee - [Jb]
* Tweaked Mace/Katana sizes - [Jb]
* Tweaked Dagger damage - [Jb]
* Force the loading of a Duel Announcer if the player is not using a Proxy Announcer..for Duel Only - [Jb]
* Added in a fix for the Chaos Effects (Flash, Naplam, Poison, Needle) so that when you started a new round they would not crash your PC - [Jb]
* Added in a new friendly vortex for INV games only. - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with the PA not playing the right Duel Tie Game (tag'em and bag'em) sounds - [Jb]
* Tweaked weapon sizes on Mace, Daggers, Bastard Sword, Templar, and Mace - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue where proxies can kick and a weird crouch issue when you controlled them - [Jb]
* Reduce red flash on deathblow in instant action duel - [jm]
* Reduced GibHead size a bit as per Pepito's feedback - [Jb]
* Fixed bug where your could have an weapon attachment stick over in if you had a mix of melee and normal weapons - [Jb]
* Fixed some AN in Duel with Mappers option where you had both melee/normal weapons - [Jb]
* Prevented the players from "Throwing/Dropping their weapons in Deul - [Jb]
* Prevented the player from Switching weapons after a Duel round before the next one as that could cause issues with melee and normal weapons
* Prevented death cam from going into solid objects - [Jb]
* Disable proxies from spraypainting - [jm]
* Added in more adjustments for melee size - [Jeditobe1]
* Reduced the headshot radius on the Hammer - [Jeditobe1]
* Code Complete for IR 8 - [Jb]

* Changed version number - [Jb]
* Removed the roll feature as the animations just did not play right..will have to get back to them later - [Jb]
* removed AN from meleedeathcam - [jm]
* Fixed bug in Duel were if you die with active gravbelt the effects of it stay - [Jb]
* Possible fix for the proxys crashing the game with a player controlled proxy - [Jb]
* Fixed issue where AminEnd was not playing the deflaut stance - [Jb]
* Fixed Crash where Melee weapons were not properly destroyed and it generated an infinite loop - [Jeditobe1]
* Added in Jan's Axe - [Jb]
* Moved all Melee weapons to slot 1 - [Jb]
* Removed Turret options from ingame menus and webadmin -[Jeditobe1]
* Removed MUG and MUG ammo spawning - [Jeditobe1]
* Added a break in the Duel Welcome for MOTD - [Jb]
* Fixed MeleeAxe from firing in the wrong dir in the light stance - [Jb]
* Improved melee death cam a bit so it avoids clipping walls - [Jb]
* Added in losers dropping melee weapons in duel (doesnt seem to appear online yet) - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked new double axe so it blocks a little more accurately, and doesnt headshot as much - [Jeditobe1]
* Probable fix to sniper bullets not being able to bounce and hit shooter online - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked Sniper Rifle to allow alt mode to zoom up to 30 FOV - [Jb]
* minor color changes for stance hud - [jm]
* Removed some extra code fluff in Tombstones
* Fixed Duel heads on a head shot from Xbow (one attached to arrow another one spawned) now we just have one - [Jb]
* MonstorController crashed fixed???? - [Jb]
* Fixed Replication for DuelDeathWeapons and tweaked sounds so they play and can be heard - [Jeditobe1]
* Added axe handle as a killin part of the weapon, and blocks - [jm]
* Changed headGibs back to DrawScale=0.4835 which is the mean between Deus/Flagg suggetions - [Jb]
* Added in Some Weapons discriptions - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with arrows not removing heads in on-line games - [Jb]
* More tweaks to DuelDeathWeapons to make them less bouncy - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed Koth to ensure it uses our ChaosXPawn so all melee weapons will work with KoTH - [Jb]
* Fixed the Duel Welcome screen to only show MOTD if playing on a server or hosting via listen server - [Jb]
* Fixed Proxy Crash and dodge bug with INV player controlled proxy - [Jb]
* Added small weapon support - [Gasman]
* Tweaked needle ball to stick better into players - [Jb]
* Possible fix to Duel OT games - [Jb]
* Forced players to let go of fire button to swing/block again in melee - [Jb]
* Fixed doublejump anim problems - [jm]
* Tweaked Player Controlled proxies a bit (reduced telefraging, force into 1st mode in on-line games, hud tweaks) - [Jb]
* Forced players have their view targets set to their own pawns in melee on- line games - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with people grappling/falling after a round was one - [Jb]
* Lowered Double Axe damage a by a small ammount - [Jb]
* Code Complete for IR9 - [Jb]

Version 1.12
* Changed version number - [Jb]
* Fixed bug were you lost Ambientsound in the Gravbelt if it was recharged in the last few seconds of its life - [Jb]
* Tweaked Proxy Hud to remove the 0 proxies left and replaced with Initializing string - [Jb]
* Set the GibCountHead to 1 in the ChaosXPawn Class - [Jb]
* Tweak Mutli-ammo weapon discription - [Jb]
* Disable head removable of arrows in deul after some one had won a round - [Jb]
* Tweaked Duel welcome msg and weapons desc - [Gasman]
* Changed Draw Type on all Melee Weapon Pickups - [Jb]
* Tweaks to ChaosDuelDropWeapon (added in proper drop sounds, fixed rotation issues, fixed dual dagger issues) - [Jb]
* Added in a check to prevent wierd round times in Duel - [Jb]
* Fixed an slight issue with AN in Melee Fire class - [Jb]
* Closed Client Duel Menus when you switch maps (on-line only) - [Jb]
* Remved SAB ref and change with MWA Ref- [Jb]
* Fixed most PhantomBlocks due to a logical error- [Jb]
* fixed for Dual Head gibs in ChaosUT mut - [Jb]
* Tweaked some melee effects - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issue with Melee Weapons remaining attached in Duel online games mappers option - [Jb]
* Fixed out of bounds error on bouncing melee weapon sounds in Duel games - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed dropping after grapple turned off at the end of duel rounds - [Jeditobe1]
* Added in Shuri's new HUD icons - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed AN in MeleeDaggersFire - [Gasman]
* Fixed issue with bots adding themeslves in Duel - [Jb]
* Fixed issues with telefragging in Duel - [Jb]
* Prevented Death Camera from spawning if gamespeed wasnt 1.0 to prevent time issues - [Jeditobe1]

* Changed version number - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed weapons not being selectable in mapper option except multiammo
weapons - [Jb]
* Added in Death Messages to Duel - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed some spelling errors on the death messages - [Jeditobe1]
* Removed some redundancy from death messages in duel (getting same message in 3 places) - [Jeditobe1]
* All weapons selectable (including multi-ammo)..remember a mutlit ammo weapon is always the SAME weapon just with a differnt ammo type loaded - [Jb]
* Fixed weapon option not being set right if the person clicked the wrong
part of the drop down - [Jeditobe1]
* Removed ability to attach a needle ball to the person that shot it, but
they still take damage from explosions - [Jeditobe1]
* Resized small weaps settings based on feedback from testers. - [Gasman]
* Fixed issue with Dagger blocks running over and over when you hold down the alt fire key in off line games - [Jb]
* Ensured that when the HidHud option is set, the CUT icons are also hidden - [Jb]
* There was a ref to bFORIndcation in the ChaosUT mut file...was not being used so removed it - [Jb]
* Ensured when the melee weapons are being used the server bAllowBehindView is set to true - [Jb]
* Fixed issue with Alt Fire Nades not using the var delay - [Jb]
* Added back in some randomness to PlayerStarts on Deul only if the map has more than 2 PlayerStarts - [Jb]
* Fixed having two melee weapons at OT - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked despawning of some sword effects - [Jeditobe1]
* Fixed issues with players having fire/poison effects at the end of a duel
Round - [Jb]
* Tweaked ProyHud Settings - [Jb]
* Fixed massive ANs in gravbelt/jumpboot icon display - [Jeditobe1]
* Changed Katana desc from using ninja to samurai - [Gasman]
* Added in Loq/Neo's Claw w/ Needle - [Jb]
* Fixed AN in Grapple INV Set Physics on Clients - [Jb]

* Fixed issue with mini-gun sounds playing after you won a duel round - [Jb]
* Added in Needle Ammo Pickup - [Jb]
* Tweaked fire animation rates for needeler - [Jb]
* Removed the Change to Specator/player buttons for LMS, INV games - [Jb]
* Fixed an issue were DuelAnnocer was being written as your custom announcer pack - [Jb]
* Tweaked needle projectiles to use new needle meshes - [Jb]
* Fixed Duel to only the active players fighting hear the "fight" sound - [Jb]
* Added in Needle ammo icon to HUD - [Jeditobe1]
* Major tweaks to small view support (should now be about 2/3 to 1/2 the space on HUD used) - [Jeditobe1]
* Tweaked postion of 3rd claw w/ needle - [Jb]


The coders have been working very hard, obviously. And I'm always impressed at what they can pull off.

And the beta testing. Well..., there is a reason we keep that behind closed doors. It starts with Jb barking orders :wink: , and goes from there to we testers. Looks kinda like this;

(shout) (user) (c) (read) (user) (hmm) (dumb) (slap) (crybig) (user) (sleep) (user) (shrug) 8O (think) (user) (up) (drool) (clap) (b) (drink) (sick)


Many folks spending a whole lot of time to get it the best we can.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:01 am
by Melekai
hahahaha... wonderful description :)=

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:33 pm
by gamer119
You couldn't have said that better Flagg :D

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 2:28 pm
by FurrySound

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:37 pm
by Bruce9950
that's pretty funny,But there has to be a chain of command :) Happy Thanksgiving to all i'll be in FtLauderdale from 11-22 till 12-2 gotta get away for a little r+r good luck to all 8)

Re: Bored? The unedited PR1 to PR2 changelog (so far...)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:24 pm
by jeditobe1
R.Flagg {MoO wrote:And the beta testing. Well..., there is a reason we keep that behind closed doors. It starts with Jb barking orders :wink: , and goes from there to we testers. Looks kinda like this;

(shout) (user) (c) (read) (user) (hmm) (dumb) (slap) (crybig) (user) (sleep) (user) (shrug) 8O (think) (user) (up) (drool) (clap) (b) (drink) (sick)

Thats so true.... except you forgot the (angry) (stuck) (angry) about halfway through it :D

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:03 pm
by DemonHunter
Wow, I actually read half of that.... :roll:

mmmm Chaotic goodness.... (drool)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:56 pm
by Melekai
Dooobiiie doobiie doo.. while i wait for this mod i might see if i can call some hot chicks... i know way to many of them.. if jsut one of them liked me.. id be in heaven.. but if more than one.. i would be in hell :P

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:16 pm
by LoQtUS
HAHAHAHAHA i stoped reading those along time ago hehehe ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:32 pm
by NeoNight
8O .

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:27 pm
by Brandon
I really lookong foward to the update.....I LOVE CHAOS (mini) (rock)