How to remove a weapon (utility gun) from ChaosUT (UT99)

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How to remove a weapon (utility gun) from ChaosUT (UT99)

Post by romulous »

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to remove a weapon from ChaosUt so it is not used in-game (single player offline)? I play a lot of bot matches in UT99 using ChoasUT, and the utility gun annoys me very much (the bots use the air gun part of this so much, that I see characters literally flying all over the maps!), so I was looking to see if it could be excluded from being used. I checked the Chaos help, and there was no mention of being able to remove a weapon in the config, nor have I been able to do it with WoRM or StuffSwapper (I'm not an expert in either of those utilities so I'm not saying it can't be done that way, just that I can't work out how to do it that way).


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Post by jb »


I am pretty sure we did NOT build that flexibility into ChaosUT. I guess I would still try using those types of Muts (WoRM, Stuff Swaper, ect) as the (in theory) should be able to do what you need. Sorry we did not have better news....
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Post by romulous »


Ok, no problem. If anyone can figure out the WoRM or StuffSwapper config to help me remove the utility gun, could they post it here? That would be very useful :) I just can't get it worked out by myself.


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Post by jb »

So do you have those installed? If so you should a new uwindow when that mod/mut is activated. Did you get that far? Sorry its been a LONG time since I had to remember UT99 stuff :(
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Post by romulous »


Yep, I have both of them installed, and can get into the config part for both - that's no problem. The problem is - once I'm in the config for either of the two mods - working out how to exclude the single weapon. Neither mod has a simple 'exclude this weapon from spawning' button. Instead, you start out with a blank sheet - each weapon slot is listed, and you have to populate each one with the weapon you want. For example, by pressing the 2 key, you normally would get the Enforcer in UT99. You then have to do the same for ammo, powerups etc. That's a lot of selecting items from dropdowns (both mods check to see what weapons mods have installed into your UT installation). If you don't set anything up (leave all the fields as blank), and just run UT as is with either mod enabled, you will have no weapons, no powerups, no nothing.

Now, I can probably work out what slot in normal (non Chaos) UT is occupied by each weapon, and populate the various fields with those, but that would be no point - the mods would just give me the normal UT weapons, which is what I don't want. I want all the ChaosUT weapons - just without that annoying air gun. The setup is complicated further because UT seems to have more than one weapon allocated to a slot (like the sniper rifle and redeemer seem to have the same slot), so I also have to try and work out how to allocate two weapons to the one slot. It really shouldn't be that hard to just simply exclude one single weapon from a single player bot match :(

And for the life of me, I just can't work out exactly what config to put in either WoRM or StuffSwapper, which is why I was hoping someone here might know. Maybe it just can't be done. If you were just using the default UT99 weapons and wanted to exclude one weapon (say the bio rifle), then I think that can be done - I vaguelly recall doing that some years ago with StuffSwapper, because the bio rifle was annnoying me. No idea how I managed to work the StuffSwapper config though. But yeah - adding another mods weapons into the mix, and I just don't have a clue.

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Post by jb »


hmmm I hate to say this but maybe try some other forums? I just don't know nor do I have my UT99 disk to try it for my self. I wish I was able to give you better news :(

Could you just leave the 6th slot blank (which ever the one for the MUG was used)? Just figured it would remove that for you...
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Post by romulous »


The problem with that is that you start off blank in StuffSwapper. Here are some screenies of the StuffSwapper config:
The Weapons, Ammo, Pick-Ups and Starting tabs are the important ones. If you start StuffSwapper and leave it like in the screenshots, you will have a game with no weapons, no pick-ups, no nothing.

If I wanted to exclude one of the normal UT weapons, all I would have to do is to - in the Weapons tab - just leave that weapon spot as "N/A'. However, I would still have to fill in every other weapon slot, ammo slot, pick-up's slot and starting slot, otherwise I still would have a game with no weapons. Because Chaos is a separate mod (the problem being it has replaced some of the default UT weapons), I can't work out what wepaons go in what slots, what ammo goes in what slots, what pick-up's go in what slots and what the starting slots should be. Certainly if someone could tell me what to put in each slot, I could do that, but that's the part I can't work out.

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