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MooTown server - weapon kicking

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 7:43 am
by HasBen{Moo}
Well... I've added a few maps to our rotation where weapons kicking can be a big problem.... it's getting real hard to find new maps that work well in chaos....


I've told all mootown admin's the following:

"If a player is kick'en into space, acid, lava, behind jump pads or any other place that makes the weapon unavailable.... then I say... "you kick the weapons off the map.... we kick you off the map...."


We have put alot of time, effort and money in making MooTown a FUN place to play Chaos. I want to make this clear.... Kicking the weapons off their spawn point is NOT an issue... Depriving players of weapons, so that they are an easy mark, is NOT a tactic welcome at/on MooTown.

Fun Fraggin or DIE!

----edit: removed last line that would most likely be misunderstood----

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 3:31 am
by SquidBoy
Change the weapon spawn time. Lower it is, the less time it is missing.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 3:34 am
by MassChAoS
Do you guys think we need public server forums for each mod? Purpose of course would be to discuss this stuff.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 7:03 am
by HasBen{Moo}
SquidBoy wrote:Change the weapon spawn time. Lower it is, the less time it is missing.
And what server setting would that be?... as far as I know, there's no such setting.

MassChAoS wrote:Do you guys think we need public server forums for each mod? Purpose of course would be to discuss this stuff.
I put it here because it seemed appropriate for making our new kicking policy public. I think the open session forum would work for server comments.

Re: MooTown server - weapon kicking

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 8:21 am
by -Atom-
HasBen{Moo} wrote:"If a player is kick'en into space, acid, lava, behind jump pads or any other place that makes the weapon unavailable.... then I say... "you kick the weapons off the map.... we kick you off the map...."
Thanks for the great server Hasben, It's good to see that you are actively trying to stop weapon kicking, which IMO can take all the fun away from the game.

Damn, I'll have to download more maps now, took me hours last time :spin:

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:24 am
by Mayhem

Hey I found this pic of Squidboy on the web I see where he gets his name! :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 10:55 am
by DaBom
We have put alot of time, effort and money in making MooTown a FUN place to play Chaos. I want to make this clear.... Kicking the weapons off their spawn point is NOT an issue... Depriving players of weapons, so that they are an easy mark, is NOT a tactic welcome at/on MooTown.
I just came in here to blow off some steam because I was offered a permanent vacation from MooTown for kicking weapons down to the streets in that freaky "city looking" map(no idead what it's called). It's a cool policy once the motivation behind it is clear...

uber target

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 4:47 pm
by HasBen{Moo}
Hi DaBom

That map is called LongFall... With the grapple and belt on, it gives players a chance to be like spiderman... Flying around that map can be a lot of fun.... 8) LongFall was made for the action mod, thats why it doesn't have health or all the weapons on it.... It would be better for chaos if it had a class 9 weapon (rail/buzz) and some health on it... I like it cause it's a very different environment to play in.

As far as a "permanent vacation" goes, whoever told you that doesn't completely understand the new policy.... At present, we only kick players when they kick the weapons "off the map" or "out of play".... somewhere that makes the weapons unavailable to others. A (short) ban would not be out of the question if repeated kickings did not get the message across. Kicking a weapon off it's respawn point, but still "on the playing surface" or "in play", is not currently considered a problem.

For some.... this rule is a little confusing... I hope this will clear it up for those who don't undersatnd it yet...

I wish we had a q2 chaos update where weapons kicking could be controlled by the server's config file, either by turning "weapons kicking" off or changing the weapons respawn time.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 1:48 am
by SquidBoy
Yeah i forgot about that day when we went fishing, you should work out more!!!

Name calling by 40 year old men is funny

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 5:19 am
by MrG{DRGN}
For the most part weapons respawn time is determined by the MAPPER, not the server admin. In some mods you can fudge this, but I don't think chaos is one of them.