Proxy Personalities

All about Chaos for Unreal... (UT3, UT2004, UT2003, UT)
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Post by jb »

OMG ROLOL That is priceless, I mean the drawing. Loved it. The guy with the weapon spraying the proxies :) The idea is pretty good as well. Thanks you made my day!
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Post by Vid »

How about a Virus proxy who searches the nearest pickup, moves into it (by simply disapearing) and making the pickup glow brighter and brighter for some seconds until it explodes and releases 5-10 (or random) standard proxys. The infected pickup would be either usless to a player, or would make the player who takes an infected pickup be the host and explodes in the same manner. Health pickups could have a desinfecting effect (if they are not infected, of course).[/b]
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Post by gamer119 »

Along the lines of Vid's thoughts. A superweapon proxy that acts normal, but instead of exploding on host burrows in. The host then is forced into 3rd person view and a 5 seconds countdown starts. They can use this time to get into a crowded area and then explode kamikazi-style. I don't think the proxy needs to look any different, just give it a contrail so people know it is coming.
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Post by Zachariah »


Time to delve further into the mysteries of proxy based superweapons!!!
Todays Theme...Team Tactics!!!

Mobile Proxy Assault Strike Force Squadron ok , this idea is kind of out on a limb , and would only be implementable on certain maps , but is still a good Idea imo. The concept behind this , is that in certain maps , there will be a special portal volume placed somewhere on the map , with a door placed in front of it. the volume is only about 70 units high , so normal people wouldnt be able to enter without crouching (even if they crouched , they'd still be blocked...)I'll come back to this later. now , a player will find a small hand radio(roates with the vortex) that said player can use to call in a small proxy raid. when a player uses the radio , A mini, mobile proxy battallion will come driving out of the volume and door I mentioned earlier. The battallion will be composed of two A.P.C's(Armored Proxy Carriers ) which are essentially , small , bulldog like vehicles with open sides. these vehicles contain 12 proxies each , which will jump out 2 at a time as the vehicle passes victims. the vehicle has applied karma like the bulldog so that it can be knockd around(flipping it activates a self destruct sequence) and when an A.P.C passes an enemy proxy , it will aggresssively run him over(muahaha).
There Is one major problem with this idea , and that is that It requires a custom volume in the map for the proxies to come from(however this could be worked around with air drops , or teleportation...) but then theres the issue of maps that aren't wheeled vehicle friendly.

Proxy-Para-Drop!!!The Proxy Para-drop, basically self explanatory. a player calls it in , and a large vehicle para-drops 12-24 proxies over the map. it could use Ion cannon actors to decide whether it is available in a map , and the drop itsel could use the ioncannon in the map to calculate the trajectory of the vehicle from which the proxies come from.
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Post by Zachariah »

after a short Hiatus
DemonicProxiesThese proxies , signified by a red face , slightly smoky aura , and little red horns , hop around causing havoc. Instead of jumping onto a player and exploding , they imply summon up the fires of hell and engulf themselves , and the area around them with a napalmlike inferno that hangs around slightly less than flames caused by the grenades. (evilg)

AngelicProxiesThese proxies stick close to their owner , fluttering around him on little wings. When a player comes close enough , the proxy will fly straight into said player and cause him to explode in a brilliant white flash of holy matrimony...err...pain. These proxies are symbolized by a white eggshell , halo , and little wings.
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Post by Redjack »

How about for a superweapon proxy, you have a special ammo pickup. Where the proxy is a flourecent radioactive green, and when it detonates it goes off like a redeemer blast with possibly different explosion effects? Add Jack Nicholson's voice, and use the clip "Here's daddy!" from the Steven King movie The Shineing. Or possibly just "BOOM!". :twisted:

To help tell it apart, it could be made the size of a bowling ball and come one to a pick-up. Or you could just leave it small, so it's extra sneaky. Oooo, I just thought of an evil one, Cloaked Proxies! You don't know there until they go BOOM! :twisted:

For a little humor you could have one drop from a height and have a little parachute pop out to make it float down then a flag come out with BOOM! written on it. 8)
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Post by jb »

We will do our best when we get the curret work done to come back and see where and what we can use to develop the proxies more. We almost could base a whole mod off them. I still feel that the have more potential but that is just my opinion and dont take that as the Chaos team will do something. We will look at the ideas and see what makes sense. I however need to re-write the code as its can be made better and more friendly to these types of ideas.
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Post by Zachariah »

I was just considering the ability to direct who your proxies attack , through a method simmillar to the lock on targeting of games like legend of zelda , ocarina of time , and such. I'm pretty sick right now though , so I wont go too far in depth quite yet...

another thing , I was playing a proxymatch on gael yesterday , and was enjoying the sneaky tactic of grappling up so that my enemies proxies couldn't reach me , when all of a sudden , the little bastards climbed on top of eachother and killed me anyway 8O nice job on the coding there.
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Post by R.Flagg »

Proxito wrote:Proxy-Para-Drop!!!The Proxy Para-drop, basically self explanatory. a player calls it in , and a large vehicle para-drops 12-24 proxies over the map. it could use Ion cannon actors to decide whether it is available in a map , and the drop itsel could use the ioncannon in the map to calculate the trajectory of the vehicle from which the proxies come from.
This one is good, but maybe it needs to go thru the wringer a bit and see if it stands up.

My 1st thougt is that maybe it might be neat to limit it to team games, like a ChaosCTF feature, where it required two players, and maybe even two items.

Perhaps there was a special ammo that rotated one at a time somewhere in the map, and a player would have to find it, and load it into their claw2, and then fire it up like one of those colored smoke grenades the military uses to mark the spot. And then another player with the Ion, or Ion-kinda thingy maybe, would have to see it and then 'call it in'.

I think it would be neat to see a bunch of those guys dropping in, and maybe even some of those cool Shadowstar proxy voices to go with it. But I personally would want to severly limit it's appearance in the game. I just don't think a big load of para-trooping proxies would be good to have too often.

That and the fact that I'm always trying to come up with ideas for features, to be used in team games, that require two players to pull off.
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Post by Zachariah »

BOMB DEFUSAL DRONE Ok we've all seen those bomb defusing robots that the Police sometimes use on tv right??? well this is basically the same thing , although , scaled down somewhat. a player can drive the drone by remote , and defuse proxies and tripmines. Proxies will not recognize the drone as an enemy , however , the pilot is completely vulnerable during the process of piloting it. The drone moves about as fast as a player walking , and can roll straight up walls , and onto ceilings to get those hard to reach prosies and tripmines , it does have a limited hp of 50 though , and thus is quite vulnerable. It is armed with a single , bomb defusing laser , mounted on a mechanical arm that can grab things like ammo , and health pickups(to be returned to the hiding pilot) .The laser mounted on the drone does about 5 damage to players , so it isnt really a viable option in a harsh battle.
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Post by Zachariah »

I have a bad feeling that I posted this before but . . .

SparkProxies These proxies are symbolized by small sparklers in place of the antennae , and small puffs of glowing red sparks that spray out when it jumps , propelling it upwards. They have a jump that is about twice as long as the average proxy jump. The catch with these is that they only do between 5 and 7 damage , however , when they explode , they send a wall of sparks forward in about a 45 degree cone that continues for about 20feet. any players facing into the cone will get a thorough coating (if they are dead center they can catch fire from it , and if they are anywhere in the cone , facing the blast , they will be blinded temporarily by the sparks.
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Post by Kherns »

i loved the different class of proxies wich were said in the first post
oh yeah that will rock and could really be full of surprises cause the current proxies arent enough efficient
and u cant carry enoughin the proxylauncher and when uplay also with normal weapons its a pain in the ass to have enough proxies
and makes me feel as if i had a coooki launcher so go on men go on that way
this is the good one believe me
believe mister K
i wont lie on proxies sure of it :) :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Post by Shadowstar »

I wonder what the Proxy AI is based on? Are they based on the current bot skill AI? I think they follow pathnodes. Maybe we can have a seperate Proxy AI skill level setting in the chaos config, so a server can make the proxies more difficult to evade if they want...

Might be something interesting to look into...

Maybe when a proxy stars chasing someone, they can begin a surge process, where thier speed increases (until they reach a maximum of double thier normal speed) with each jump, but takes about 20 seconds for them to reach doublespeed. So, once they've "locked on" to someone, they become progressively more difficult to evade. You still have a chance to shoot them down or escape them, but if you miss your chance, they will catch you. If the player they are chasing dies before they catch them (or somehow evades them), the proxy surge should end and they go back to normal speed, and grumble and curse all frustrated :)
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Post by jb »

Shadowstar wrote:I wonder what the Proxy AI is based on? Are they based on the current bot skill AI?
The proxy's AI is based off an AI Controller. Its at the same level of logic that the bot.uc is however the is more complexed and geared for weapons/playermovement. Proxy are different so I did not subclass bot.uc to make them. I would like to re-write their AI from the ground up one day....
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Post by Zachariah »

OOh . . . I dont know how I could have forgotten . . .

Magna-Proxies/Vortex proxiest These proxies , marked by a small magnet sprouting form the top of its head(OR a small vortex in plase of the face) , have the pleasant ability to slowly draw in anything they come near , Including Pickups , bodies , Players , proxies , projectiles , grapples , and pretty much everything else that moves , they will attract anything that passes within a certain radius (6 to 7 feet) and the pull will increase in strength as the object gets closer to the center of the proxy. When the proxy enters the range of a player , it will say things like , "come closer , clooooser" with a stereotypical hypnotist accent.

Repulsor Proxies These proxies , marked by a small gravity pulse generator mounted on its head(dont ask me what a gravity pulse generator looks like) each time they hop , they will let off a powerful gravity pulse that repels anything repellable . the effect would be simillar to if the kick function had been used in a 360 degree ring around the proxy. When the proxy detonates , it lets off a small gravity shockwave that knocks everything around it back considerably.
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