Hi Arno
I have no idea why i can play most of your Duel map's except Cassical,Atoll, No problum with
1-Night Club 4-King Of The Ring
2-Lost Stone 5-Duality
3-Car Park
Has anyone been able to play the 2 i spoke of that i can't get to work???
Hi Arno
I have no idea why i can play most of your Duel map's except Cassical,Atoll, No problum with
1-Night Club 4-King Of The Ring
2-Lost Stone 5-Duality
3-Car Park
Has anyone been able to play the 2 i spoke of that i can't get to work???
Last edited by Bruce9950 on Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
I think Atoll needs the CBP1 to be installed.
However I duplicated its textures and meshes in myLevel, but I think I forgot to delete the original texture files in the last version.
For Classical, maybe it is the same problem. I used textures from different non official files that I simply duplicated into myLevel but am not sure I removed the original files from my textures directory.
This may be the raison of all the trouble you have by launcihng Classical and Atoll. I ll test em later and probably release.
[quote="L'architecte"]I think Atoll needs the CBP1 to be installed.
However I duplicated its textures and meshes in myLevel, but I think I forgot to delete the original texture files in the last version.
For Classical, maybe it is the same problem. I used textures from different non official files that I simply duplicated into myLevel but am not sure I removed the original files from my textures directory.
L'architecte wrote:Did I need their permission ? I think CBP1 is an official bonus pack
I think you would still need their permission as most of those (if not all) were done outside of Epic. Besides its always good practice to ask anyways just in case you may need it later on...you know cover your bases...
As far as i knew, none of the CBP packs were "official". they were done by the community, hence not official work. I might be worng however, but i always ask before i use anyone else's work.
I think some of your meshes are from these packs aswell are they? personally i'd ask permission, as the mappers who made these include some fairly awesome mappers, and use of their work will not go un-noticed.
Yeah youre right
I always ask for permission but I never did it for meshes and textures coming from bonus packs. I ll do it asap, I know its comes too late but, it is better to do it
Thank you for your advices