replacing UT weapons with ChaosUT

All about Chaos for Unreal... (UT3, UT2004, UT2003, UT)
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replacing UT weapons with ChaosUT

Post by sniper_12 »

i cant replace UT weapons with Chaos UT weapons, like in the map pirymid(KOTH), i can only use the UT weapons, to the exeption of the chaos pistole. HELP
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Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »


sorry for your trouble. Not sure I follow you. How are you trying to replace th weapons? Are you launching KOTH via the Chaos Menu? The weapons are automatically swaped out when the Chaos Mut is running and than runs by default when launched from the Chaos Menu....again sorry for your trouble :(
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Post by sniper_12 »

yes, i did that but it still does not work :twisted:
the magical link fairy
Posts: 2184
Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2003 10:16 am

Post by TKATK »

1)Are you using any other mutators
2)Are you using the chaosut mutator with the gametype
3)Can you provide the chaosut2.log from UT2004/Chaosut2/System
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Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
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Post by jb »

And can we see your chaosut2.log file just to get a peek at whats going on when this happens? Its in you ut2004\chaosut2\system folder. Thanks!
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Post by sniper_12 »


Log: Log file open, 03/24/06 12:19:29
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
Init: Compiled: Nov 23 2005 16:23:34
Init: Command line: -MainMenuClass=ChaosGames.ChaosGUI_MainMenu -mod=ChaosUT2 -newwindow
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: E:\Programs\UT2004\System\
Init: Ini:..\ChaosUT2\System\ChaosUT2.ini UserIni:..\ChaosUT2\System\ChaosUT2User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Splash screen filename is '..\ChaosUT2\Help\ChaosUT2Logo.bmp'
Log: nv4_disp.dll/NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 4.850000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: ChaosNoIntro.ut2?Name=Lord?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=㏎adir?team=0?Sex=M
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 27751->27751; refs: 286456
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Bringing Level ChaosNoIntro.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 9.583000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: ALAudio: Using DirectSound to record audio.
ScriptLog: New Player Lord id=70c205aa10e4d81f0fa196e5f5b2a047
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 1024x768 Fullscreen 0
Log: Using back-buffer format 22(32-bit)
Log: Using depth-buffer format 77(32-bit)
Log: Creating device
Log: xD3DHelper::Init (QuadEmulation)
Log: Startup time: 9.870000 seconds
Log: Precaching: ChaosNoIntro.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.067 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.000 seconds
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:Package.ChaosGUI_MainMenu
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Lord
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=㏎adir
Log: URL: Adding default option team=0
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Lord?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=㏎adir?team=0
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
ScriptLog: ChaosGUI_MainMenu NotifyLevelChange PendingConnection:False
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Lord id=70c205aa10e4d81f0fa196e5f5b2a047
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
ScriptLog: Using the ChaosUT MapListManger
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:None
ScriptLog: Attempting to close a non-existing menu page
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Lord
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=㏎adir
Log: URL: Adding default option team=0
Log: Browse: KOTH-Pyramid?BonusVehicles=false?Game=ChaosGames.ChaosTeamKotH?Mutator=UnrealGame.MutMovementModifier,AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics,ChaosGames.ChaosUT,XGame.MutSpeciesStats,SpiderSteroids.MutSpiderSteroidReplacer,XGame.MutVampire,OnslaughtBP.MutVehiclePickups,Xs.XS_Mutator?bAutoNumBots=False?NumBots=11?Name=Lord?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=㏎adir?team=0
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 48248->46065; refs: 537577
Log: Game class is 'ChaosTeamKotH'
Log: Bringing Level KOTH-Pyramid.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 51.080000...
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
ScriptLog: Mutators UnrealGame.MutMovementModifier,AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics,ChaosGames.ChaosUT,XGame.MutSpeciesStats,SpiderSteroids.MutSpiderSteroidReplacer,XGame.MutVampire,OnslaughtBP.MutVehiclePickups,Xs.XS_Mutator
ScriptLog: ChaosUT2 found 36 possible spawn points for Relics/Gravbelt
ScriptLog: ChaosUT2 loaded the following Relics for this map: Regen...Sheild...Speed...Strength...Vampire...Vengance...
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02DD) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02E5) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02F7) Accessed None 'WPB'
Warning: WarpingPickupHandler KOTH-Pyramid.WarpingPickupHandler (Function ChaosGames.WarpingPickupHandler.Activate:02FF) Attempt to assign variable through None
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
ScriptLog: bAutoNumBots: False
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:026D) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:0275) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:026D) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:0275) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:026D) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:0275) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:026D) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:0275) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:026D) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:0275) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:02BA) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:02D0) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:02E6) Accessed None 'PhysWild'
Warning: MutItemPhysics KOTH-Pyramid.MutItemPhysics (Function AngelItemPhysics.MutItemPhysics.CheckReplacement:02EE) Attempt to assign variable through None
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Warning: XS_Mutator KOTH-Pyramid.XS_Mutator (Function Xs.XS_Mutator.CheckReplacement:00A5) Accessed None 'Other'
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Lord id=70c205aa10e4d81f0fa196e5f5b2a047
Log: Precaching: KOTH-Pyramid.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 2615328 vertex bytes, 435948 index bytes
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.497 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 1.788 seconds
ScriptLog: Initializing Chaos PRI for KOTH-Pyramid.ChaosKotH_PlayerController
Log: Preprocessing: Vertex stream total vertices: 86 Orig wedges: 86
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
ScriptLog: CHOOSEATTACKSERIAL in state WaitingForLanding enemy Lord old enemy Lord CALLING BYTE 5
Log: Preprocessing: Vertex stream total vertices: 62 Orig wedges: 62
Log: (Karma:) Excessive Joint Error. Destroying RagDoll.
Log: appRequestExit(0)
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Exit: Game engine shut down
Log: Unbound to WinDrv.dll
Exit: Windows client shut down
Log: Unbound to D3DDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to XGame.dll
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to Editor.dll
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: Unbound to XInterface.dll
Log: Unbound to UWeb.dll
Log: Unbound to Onslaught.dll
Log: Unbound to ALAudio.dll
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Exit: OpenAL Audio subsystem shut down.
Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
Log: (Karma): MePoolMallocDestroy(): 116634704 structs still allocated
Log: Garbage: objects: 63044->0; refs: 537577
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 196 MByte 383 KByte 98 Bytes from HD took 26.167743 seconds (25.635746 reading, 0.531997 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 2.911989 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Memory Allocation Status
Uninitialized: Curr Memory 0.294M / 5.910M
Uninitialized: Peak Memory 179.683M / 183.793M
Uninitialized: Allocs 1338 Current / 11518241 Total
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 03/24/06 12:37:33
Posts: 9825
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »

Thanks Sniper,

I think I have found the error:


Some times the mutators are just not compatible. Angle mut is trying to swap out the pickups with her own. The problem is that our mut tries to do the same thing. Thus we have a race and because her's is in your list first, by the time our mut can work on it, nothing is left :(

So can you try it again with no muts, then just add them one at a time till you find out which one breaks it (and I am sure its AngleItemPhysics)?

Thanks and sorry!
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:40 pm

Post by sniper_12 »

Posts: 9825
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »

I take it that worked for you?
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