Hey, when you have the CPP equipped when you get fragged, it falls to the ground... What's that actor's name and how do I get there from "Actor"?
And does it have it's own ammo, or does it use another ammo type like the assault rifle ammo or something?
Is there absolutely NO placeable actor for the CPP OR its ammo?
How can I make the Crossbow the default weapon?
That's weird. Since loading the package for the map once, every other Choas weapon came up, except the CPP until I finally loaded the package again.
Problem is, I have the ammo amount to -60, but it only does -10. I'll try more experimentation, maybe I'll try doing it with the weapon instead of the ammo.
Problem is, I have the ammo amount to -60, but it only does -10. I'll try more experimentation, maybe I'll try doing it with the weapon instead of the ammo.
OK so it seems if I set the CPP pickup amount to -120, it eliminates the CPP. Only one major issue remaining, and that's removing the SheildGun without removing other standard UT2004 weapon pickups. What's the best way to do this?
Also, I've stumbled upon some scriptedsequence info, and am trying to get a spawn actor going, and have even resorted to simpler things like playing an anouncer voice sound and as far as I can tell, I can't trigger the external event under action wait for event using a proximity trigger, or during a non-multiplayergame by typing out causeevent warlordc. Is there some trick to getting scriptedsequences to work in Chaos KOTH? I have setup mover triggers before in UT, and used special event triggers, stochastic triggers, and distribution triggers, so this isn't completely new to me, but hopefully it's just something simple. Are certain functions disabled in Chaos KOTH?
Also, I've stumbled upon some scriptedsequence info, and am trying to get a spawn actor going, and have even resorted to simpler things like playing an anouncer voice sound and as far as I can tell, I can't trigger the external event under action wait for event using a proximity trigger, or during a non-multiplayergame by typing out causeevent warlordc. Is there some trick to getting scriptedsequences to work in Chaos KOTH? I have setup mover triggers before in UT, and used special event triggers, stochastic triggers, and distribution triggers, so this isn't completely new to me, but hopefully it's just something simple. Are certain functions disabled in Chaos KOTH?
I'd almost given up on my map.
Couldn't play it in multiplayer. So I tried un/reinstalling chaos, and then my map gave me an "Bad expr token ..." crash error. Only my very early DM builds of the map before I'd tried to add choas actors other than weapons would open.
Did a desperate search on google, and didn't get much, but found a reference to packages, so in UnrealEd I opened every single actor, texture, and static mesh package I could remember using, then tried opening my map and it didn't crash! I gave me a bunch of post rebuild "!" bugs, but I double clicked on each one, moved the map view a bit, and hit delete to delete them until they were all gone. Now I just have to re-add the uncorrupt version of what actors I deleted, and hopefully I'll be good to go.
I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, but I think google probes this forum, and if another mapper should stumble upon a similar error, maybe they'll google it and find the resolution that worked for me here. I was extremely close to abandoning the map.
I don't recall which post it was I found on google, that planted that seed, as as soon as it was planted, I opened up UnrealEd in a mad hope that it would work. But whoever it was, thanks.
Couldn't play it in multiplayer. So I tried un/reinstalling chaos, and then my map gave me an "Bad expr token ..." crash error. Only my very early DM builds of the map before I'd tried to add choas actors other than weapons would open.
Did a desperate search on google, and didn't get much, but found a reference to packages, so in UnrealEd I opened every single actor, texture, and static mesh package I could remember using, then tried opening my map and it didn't crash! I gave me a bunch of post rebuild "!" bugs, but I double clicked on each one, moved the map view a bit, and hit delete to delete them until they were all gone. Now I just have to re-add the uncorrupt version of what actors I deleted, and hopefully I'll be good to go.
I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, but I think google probes this forum, and if another mapper should stumble upon a similar error, maybe they'll google it and find the resolution that worked for me here. I was extremely close to abandoning the map.
I don't recall which post it was I found on google, that planted that seed, as as soon as it was planted, I opened up UnrealEd in a mad hope that it would work. But whoever it was, thanks.