A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

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A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Big_Speck »

Hey there, I have set up three multiplayer servers as well as a steam group to set up matches for Unreal Tournament 1999, 2004, and 3. If you’re interested in playing with us, then make sure you READ THIS WHOLE POST carefully. My User Name: BigSpeck - Steam Group Name: Speck's Unreal /V/idya. Make sure to add me on your friends list, this way I can easily contact you when I set up a few matches for us to play. You do not need the steam version to play with us, but having steam makes it easier for me to contact you when a match is going.


I've been hosting for nearly a year now, and my group is steadily growing. In my efforts to rekindle people's love for Unreal Tournament, I've begun reaching out to forums, old clans, and map creators in order to spread the word virtually, and hopefully by word of mouth. I only wish I could alert everybody who was a fan of Unreal, because most of them probably don't frequent these websites anymore.

Anyway, for those of you interested, you can email me, join the group, ask questions here, anything. I'll check back later to see if I get an audience here.

Yes, I host Chaos UT and Chaos UT2 in addition to regular, unmodded UT and UT2. Whether or not I get any new members from this post, I want to thank the creators again for creating this mod. I cna't begin to tell you how much fun resulted from me messing around with the Gravity Vortex.
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Steam Group For Unreal Tournament 99 and UT2004 (415 Members

Post by Big_Speck »

I was always a huge fan of UT, going back to first playing UT99 at a friend's house, then getting UT2003 for Christmas shortly after, and UT2004 later. I played for years, usually with bots, messing around on other servers, but eventually, my computer was getting worn out by it and I just sorta stopped for about two years.

Then two years ago, I got a new computer, I mean this thing is amazing.

So I thought, "Hmm, I wonder how UT3 would run on this." So I tried it, and it ran beautifully. Then I got to thinking about playing UT99 and UT2004 again. I thought about it for a week, not wanting to get back into them just to drop them, but something compelled me to reinstall them.

I spent about two weeks downloading maps, setting up redirects, editing files, advertising across the internet, and finally, launched two servers for UT2004 and UT99.

I've been hosting them for about a year and a half now, and my group now has about 415 members.

Server IP:

I currently have a schedule for hosting, which is on X days, I host UT99 from 4-10PM EST, and on Y days, I host UT2004 from 4-10PM EST. This is just due to how my day works out. However, I'm trying to find a way so that I can host both UT99 and UT2004 at the same time, but that'll require changing the ports for one of them, not sure how to do that.

Once that's done however, I'll be hosting UT2004 and UT99 nonstop, 24/7. On weekends, or days when I'm really getting into it, I'll host both in one day.

My servers are plain, vanilla UT, once in a while I enable a mod for the group to just mess around, we have custom maps, and I spent last night uploading each and every one (over 100) to the free redirect.

My group has come along way I think, I used to not even have a schedule, people relied on me to just host everyday and give them my word for it.

I hope you guys weren't bored to death by this, and if you're looking to join the group, here's the link.


If you wish to get into contact with me, post a comment in the group comments section, email me, whatever's convenient for you. Read the announcements list to keep up to date with what I'm doing with the group.


And Yes, I do host ChaosUT2 from time to time, usually with just the gravity vortex, but on request, I'll enable everything else as well. Hope to see some of you guys there.

Also, if there are any Chaos UT2004 servers up, post tgem here and I'll advertise them in my thread, and anywhere else you guys might want.

Also, again, thanks to everyone who helped contribute to this mod, you have o idea how much fun I've had with it over the years, and how great of a mod it really is.

Interested in a steam group for playing UT99, UT2004, and JK3? Check us out! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/specksunreal
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Re: A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Hermskii »

I'm glad you posted all of that. I'll be one of the few or many who contact you soon. I'd like to get a look at your stuff first and I can tell you how to change the ports and things like that. I'm thrilled to hear what you have already done by yourself. Peace!
Last edited by Hermskii on Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Big_Speck »

Sorry for re-posting the same thread, but recently my server got so popular, and now that it's all proper with one IP, tons of people every day, even if I'm not there, a full, working redirect with all my files on it, I got so excited that I knew everyone deserved to know about it, across every major UT board on the internet.

I'm not usually like this, and again I apologize for reposting, but something compelled me to. I just got overwhelmed knowing I brought even just a tiny amount of happiness to a whole bunch of people.

Interested in a steam group for playing UT99, UT2004, and JK3? Check us out! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/specksunreal
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Re: A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Hermskii »

Hey! I sent you an email. It seems you and I have similar goals in regards to Chaos. Please repond to my email and let's get together for a good discussion. Where are you by the way? I'm in Texas.

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Re: A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Big_Speck »

East Coast US. A great deal of my group is actually across the pond, and they're happy to play with pings averaging on 140. They might just be happy to be playing UT in general, lol.

I sometimes took breaks from hosting, usually a week at a time, although it's been months since then. Which is a good thing, I got into the habit of hosting everyday even if I'm not playing.

Interested in a steam group for playing UT99, UT2004, and JK3? Check us out! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/specksunreal
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Location: Houston, Texas

Re: A Large, Growing Steam Community for Unreal Tournament

Post by Hermskii »

I emailed you again last night. I could not find this link for the life of me last night. Now i have sent it home. Expect me to drop in tonight to look around. Peace!

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