Proxy Personalities

All about Chaos for Unreal... (UT3, UT2004, UT2003, UT)
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Post by WulfMan »

hehehe I think I've run into "stoned proxies" in the game already :?

I always seem to get that batch in my claw2, I fire em at the enemy and they just lounge around talking to themselves and then hop away or hang out doing nothing *mutters*
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Post by jb »

WulfMan wrote:hehehe I think I've run into "stoned proxies" in the game already :?

I always seem to get that batch in my claw2, I fire em at the enemy and they just lounge around talking to themselves and then hop away or hang out doing nothing *mutters*
Every proxy when he if first launched has a small chance of wanting to join up to another proxy and talk. The longer the proxy is in the game the more likely they want to stop and talk. this only happens when he fails the check for enemy. Proxies try to find an enemy every few seconds. If they find one then they are off. If not..they start to get bored :)
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Post by Zachariah »

Loved the idea for Fusion Proxies, even though I'm pretty sure that 'Fission Proxies' would be the correct term for their splitting antics. However, true 'Fusion Proxies' would be cool.
Heh hope you don't mind If I elaborate on those fusion proxies....
Oh and thanx for pointing out my error...

Fusion Proxies Ok , these proxies act as the Counter to most other proxies... they are symbolized by a glowing yellow aura , and a crome eggshell... when these proxies encounter enemy proxies , they will pursue them at double pace...when they touch the enemy proxy , it will be absorbed. as a result , the fusion proxy will become marginally larger , and marginally more explosive , once its absorbed a certain amount of proxies(I' think that the ability to absorb limitless amounts would be unfair) IT will reach critical mass and go kaboom, any damage it does , will always be 75% of the amount of damage put into it.

Leader proxy *REVISED* after thinking hard on the subject , I have come to the conclusion that the previous leader proxy suggestion just wasn't leader-y enough.
leader proxies(still symbolized by a commando hat) will behave very similarly to what I suggested before, they will organize any proxies belonging to the same player that they come ito contact with into an organized groups . HOWEVER , the player will also be able to issue commands (the same way commands are issued to bots) to the Leaders , who will in turn , pass the commands onto their squadron. commands for Leader proxies will be ,
DEFENSE: the squadron will generally follow their player , and bail him out of sticky situations.
OFFENCE:there will be several offensive commands , these will include 1)hunt as a group, All the proxies in the squad hunt as a Large unit. 2) Hunt by types , Proxies in the squadron will split into smaller units based on proxy type 3) Independent hunting . The proxy group will break up , and each proxy will hunt On its own.
SLEEP: puts the Leader proxy , and his squadron into sleep mode.

PROXZOMBIES! Signified by a zombie face , and a limp , this proxytype will jump onto players and gnaw on them , causing continual damage, they can be shaken off by the use of a melee weapon .
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Post by elpollodiablo »

or as a superweapon a proxy that has little arms and legs and walks around with a assault rifle and shoots people. it doesnt have to shoot enemies though... or a proxy robot that you can kill for frags, but it is extremely rare.
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Post by Zachariah »

Ok Its been a few days , but I've thought of some more...

EpoxyProxiessymbolized by a completely white eggshell with the w[/b]ord GLUE written across the back. this proxy is basically an angry little glue factory , as It hunts , Itdrops small globs of glue(aka recolored biorifle blobs with modifid properties) when in sleep mode It will spew 2-6small blobs of glue within a medieum radius around itself every 2 seconds . the glue slows/stops players and proxies alike. but only for 3 to 6 seconds...

Darkproxy this proxy is black with white glowing eyes( but not mouth) and functions similarly to standard proxies , but once it spots a target , it will emit a thin black fog trail , and a fogvolume will follow it , so that anyone who comes within 4-8feet(not sure how much distance would be fair) has their vision darkened...

SmogProxies These proxies emit a constant cloud of fog 2-3 feet in diameter , this cloud widens to5feet when it locates a target , upn impact the cloud reaches 8 feet . the cloud of fog is completely opaque , and blocks out ALL vision.
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Post by NeoNight »

Zambini wrote:Loved the idea for Fusion Proxies, even though I'm pretty sure that 'Fission Proxies' would be the correct term for their splitting antics. However, true 'Fusion Proxies' would be cool.

Imagine - a whole bunch of the little dudes melding together to form one monstrous Proxy King that goes off with the force of a Redeemer...

In fact, why not include the Proxy King as a potential superweapon for Proxy Match? With special deep voiced taunting (would sound kind of like the mighty Mr T, I'd imagine) as he hunts you down...

Or Facehugger Proxies which jump on your face, blocking your view whilst they count down to detonation?

Finally, Stoned Proxies which don't do a lot besides eat pizza and sit around saying 'Man, I'm wasted'...
lol the Proxy king might say " I pitty da fool that'll run inta me "

Maybe the proxy personalities can be an advanced option for the claw (when you have the proxies activated) it shoots out a random special proxy. :twisted: :P

Well heck speaking of an advance function for the claw maybe there can be ice or paralysis mines? Either or would keep you in place for a sec or 2 (but you can still shoot)
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Post by killalot0 »

i have an idea

they will absorb players shouting ''we are proxies you will be assimulated risistence is futile :twisted: they should be big. maybe you could shoot em in a borg capsule so they can grow to one big proxie, you could also let it suck air into them self.
could serve as a superweapon when killed it will selfdistruct whit an ion cannon explosion

if the absorb player isnt possible the borgproxie could stick itself to the fictem and wil get possesion over it. then it will turn into a insta gib borg with godlike AI. the effect should last for about 30 sec then the player will become normal agian the fraging will go to the player that fired the borg proxie. also a possible superweapon. would be need if the borg couldnt die. of course the borg doesnt attack his frendly player.

i hope it's al clear to you my english isnt that good. :)
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Post by jb »

Guys currently our plans are set for the next version and we may not get a chance to do more of these ideas this time around. However we will take a look at all of the good ideas and see what fits, makes sense and will be cool, then get that pass in the next one. Sorry but we have a limited group of people and they are have their assignments. If we get done faster then maybe. But just wanted to say that these were good ideas!
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Post by Zachariah »

glad you like these ideas . if even one of them Is picked up by the mod within the next 5 years , then I'll be happy . I'm not trying to rush any of you , I'm just posting em as I think of em...

any way...
Heres a superweapon....
BIG ol Box O PROXIES ok this is kinda odd , but I thought it out for a little while... OK basically this superweapon is a Large cardboard box , full of proxies. the proxies will break out of the box on their own in around 1 minute , but a player can speed things along by shooting it. the box has karma , and can be moved around with kicks...when the box opens about 12 to 18 proxies come raging out...

and heres some more of the non-superweapon guys I've been suggesting...
Shrapnel Proxies This PRoxy is symbolized by very short red spikes covering the bulk of the eggshell... this proxy will behave and hunt identically to the classic proxy ,with one major difference in the explosion. instead of Exploding upon Impact , It will explode 5 feet prior to impact , and launch spray of shrapnel in a cone towards the target...

Mole Proxies This is a proxy in a little molesuit(use your imagination) and when deployed on terrain it will burrow into the ground and tunnel to its targets... It cannot however , tunnel through Bsp or Staticmeshes...
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Post by Zachariah »

one more...
Grapple Proxies Thiis proxy , symbolized by a miniature grapple mounted somewhere on it. In sleep mode it will move to a pathnode , and launch its miniature grapple upward(unless the zone equals a terrainzone) once it has its...err...footing... it will lower its shield and wait hanging at the same height as an average players mid chest. it will explode upon impact. when in hunt mode , it will chase the vistim till it comes within a certain range , it will then grapple into that player , and pull themselves into their poor victim. also , if they could swing like tarzan whie chasing would be nice, but i'm afraid it'd be a big challenge.
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when i grow up... I WANNA BE A PROXY!!

Post by WeaponHunter »

and maybe... some of these proxy types.. will be commaded by a player


you can implement this in a last man standing match for example, when a player loses all the lives he must be a spectator... or a disturber element as a proxy leader or other kinds :D

just an ideas, what do you think about? :)[/b]
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Post by Zachariah »

Weaponhunter wrote
you can implement this in a last man standing match for example, when a player loses all the lives he must be a spectator... or a disturber element as a proxy leader or other kinds
so youre suggesting a limited lives gametype in which the defeated will take command of proxies... :D sounds awesome...

this suggestion inspired me with another ,semirelated gameplay element. a semi-assault, semi-invasion gametype. one team takes command of proxies and plans/executes strikes against another team that defends , when the defenders are beaten , they becomes the attackers. sort of like Invasion xcept players control the monsters , and the monsters are proxy types. An attacking player always has the option to toggle between proxies(weapon switch buttons) , and will be given a radar , so that the attacking force can coordinate attacks with large numbers of proxies. each proxytype will have a unique method of locomotion , or attack , or both.

EDIT: the defenders CAN win by destroying the attackers Leader proxies. Each attacker will get a configurable amount of leaders , which can be used to control MAss amounts of proxies , but can also control individual proxies. Each Defender will recieve a configureable amount of lives , and recieve a configurable amount of health per proxy killed. last team standing wins.. leader proxies generate other proxies and each attacker can only control their own leader proxies , and any proxies spawned from it, however the option to share proxies should be included , but control of leader proxies will be limited , so omly a certain amount per attacker that only THAT attacker can use.
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Post by Zachariah »

Yo Quiero Burrito?

Propaganda Proxies This proxy , symbolized by a Small speaker sticking out of its head , Hops around , spreading Ideas of proxy freedom , and inciting its brethren to rebel. This proxy behaves similarly to a classic , proxy , except its urge to seek out other proxies , Is 40% , while its urge to hunt is 60%. As it passes other proxies there is a random chance that it will change their alignment , so that they disregard their current owner , and chase any players they see. Occasionally , the propaganda proxy will place a propaganda poster . which behaves like a stationary propaganda proxy , with a lower chance of turning other proxies.

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Post by Zachariah »

MicroProxy just like a classic proxy in every respect , with the excepttion that its damage , and size has been scaled down to around 10% however , these proxies come in groups of 24(so u get 4 times as much in an ammo pack , to make up for the low damage)
these proxies are symbolized by their small stature , and a greyish eggshell)

MACROPROXIES simillar to the King proxies mentioned earlier in this thread. This proxy Is Many times larger than the average proxy (around 4-5 feet tall) This proxy is EXTREMELY Dense and heavy , and can only hop about 1/3 of a meter per jump, and when a person is close enough to it , their screen will shake with each jump(there will also be a THUMP sound like somone dropping a fridge a few feet.) the proxy should sound like mr T , and will be symbolized by a brownish face and mohawk... and a completely chrome eggshell. scince it is unlikely that there would ever be very many people congregating near such a behemoth proxy , the proxy will break the tradition of Exploding/imploding superweapons , and merely SMASH players with its impressive weight. the proxy has around 300hp but scince it moves so slow it shouldnt be too much of a problem to kill. However , that chrome eggshell will reflect any energy weapons fired at it (link , shockrifle , Lighnting gun , Erdw , plus any future energy weapons.)
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Post by Zambini »

There's already talk of a proxy announcer, why not enlist Mr T as well? 'First Blood... Sucker!' and so on. I'm sure he's not hurting for work at the moment...
'This is the end, beautiful friend...'
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