Hehe, cool! We could <a href="http://forums.chaoticdreams.org/viewtopic.php?t=3641" target="_blank">sure use some more</a> great maps like this too.Theseus314 wrote:Chaos mapping is fun.
I have preached many times on how I think ChaosUT2 is in a rather unique position to take UT2004 VCTF into the stratosphere. I'm almost inspired enough again to write a brand new essay, entitled "Why ChaosCTF?".
We have already got some features which improve it greatly, at least 2 newly functional features in this upcoming release (optional WarmUp mode, and mixed CTF/VCTF map lists) and we always have more pokers in the fire. Plus we have Gasman and Mr. Marlowe.
If we can stay focused, the sky is the limit as far as I'm concerned. At least as far as creating the greatest vctf the world has ever seen. Getting 'the world' to see and realize that however, is another matter.

Nice pics btw.