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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 1:24 am
by R.Flagg
I always try to 'bait' people to talk about this game. Been doing it for years. But no, I wasn't trying to tick you off. And since I like you MrG, and I'm in a great mood today, I'm a gonna write you a novel. Though don't get too touched, truth is I whip these off quickly.

Since you feel my Nascar analogy was not 'up to par', I will try another.

A short 'from my real-life' comparison. I play Disc Golf (golf with frisbees) and I love the game. Take my discs with me when I travel, and have also gone on trips just to play some course somwhere. I've played in at least 10 or 12 different states.

Anyway, I have played with a good friend of mine for years now. He will sometimes roll his disc from the tee towards the hole. Like if there is a bunch of tree branches or something in the way. And I will always tell him he is a wussy, or something that rhymes with that.

Because I feel it is lame to roll the disc, I feel it is meant to be thrown. He usually responds with an offer for me to fornicate with myself, or perhaps, if it's a nice day out, and he's doing well, maybe even something vulgar about my mother. We both laugh, (because we're just kidding, having fun) and walk to the next hole, talking about work, or the kids, or the ducks in the pond, or whatever.

And yet I always look forward to playing him again. I just can't wait till my next chance to try and prove, once and for all, that my 'pure' airborne flight skills will dominate - now, and forever- his pathetic little girly man rolly-toss.

I mean, just because I think and say aliases suck, so what! It's no reason to get upset. All you have to say is "No, they don't suck. You suck" And I would laugh it off with you.

Ok, sure, my comments were 'generalized', but forgive me. That's only because this argument is so old. But to get upset? I just didn't see it coming.

To be more specific, aliases that do a rocket jump for you, I feel, is letting the computer play the game for you. And so on the arugment goes, and has gone, for years. I happen to be on the side of no aliases. None that play for you anyway. I have one that makes me 'dance', so I can go into that Moo map with the disco music and the disco ball and the lights. It's fun.

But anyway, as far as opinion disguised as fact? Well, I guess you are saying that Chaos was intentionaly designed so you could kick away rockets, buzzsaws, and from what I'm told, even rail slugs. I don't think it was. While of course I did not code it, I do believe that yes, this is in fact, a bug. And beyond that, it is my opinion is that it doesn't make sense, and doesn't fit.

This argument about 'it's in the game, so it's OK' is also old as dirt. And I just happen to think it's a very, very weak argument. But what? I am entitled to my opinion. You buy into that logic, that's fine. Again, if you were wakling the disc course with me, we would just gab about the who's and why's right? Or get bored with that same old thing and talk about the ducks. Whatever. But I would not be upset, I'd offer you another drink maybe. Or gas money to the next course.

And there are a thousand variations on the 'it's in the game' argument. Walking on the sky in Q2DM1 is pretty common, for example. So you think that's Ok. Fine. And I think it's lame. Again, so what? I am still not upset.

The reason I did not post on how to kick more weapons out of play, is the same reason I don't always post all the bugs I find in CUT/CUT2. If it is a bug that some folks may never know, but if abused, kills the fun, then I will not put it out there to educate the lamers. If they want to kill the fun, they will at least have to find out on their own.

Maybe I should have been more specific. I will not post the 'how-to's' for those type of bugs here on the forum. Would be glad to share with you in PM or whatever. Why? Because I have played you many times, and I enjoy playing you. I have told you so on the server and in this forum. But you and I are not the only ones reading this.

And I guess I did misread your idea about kicking and falling. I initially took it to mean you meant random falls when kicking. But I guess you meant ever single time I miss my kick, I fall. I see now, I think. But either way, I don't care for the idea. ( what? Lot's of other guys on the team that might like it)

I also don't believe the airgun blowing you into walls and/or off of the map is a feature. I would say that too, is a bug.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 7:10 am
by MrG{DRGN}
Hey no sweat, wasn't meant to asound as upset as it did, but you were blunt , and I was back.. if you want to let me know about the other bugs in private thats fine... I installed AIM, and it buggerd my MSN, and outlook express working proplerly... if I had been thinging I would have reinstalled trillian.
Some information take it or leave it:
slugs, machingun, and railshots are unkickable... because there are no real projectiles there.. just a vector drawn. It was coded so you could kick rockets, grenades, etc... haven't looked at arrows per se. this is not a side effect of being able to kick items like weapons, health, other players. they're apples vs oranges it had to be intentionaly coded that way. how do I put this... the code does group players, items, and projectiles as one type of entity. Where are the guys who coded q2 chaos now.... mia for the most part is it seems fred quit back on the old board leaving a post about not wanting to expose his daughter to violent games playing on his pc.... fair enough, our children are far more important than any game....oh and he changed jobs so madhouse was not able to be run on that pc anymore. Spa is still alive & kicking, BUt most frustrating Major dropping the ball for q3 chaos, and being the main coder for q2 chaos, not being here ya know what maybe its a dead horse we should leave dead... since its parents aren't around for good reason, busy on other things, our simply dont care.... why should we?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 10:52 am
by R.Flagg
Ok, cool.
Some information take it or leave it:
That's cool man, info is good. But at same time, I am not a newb at this. I am aware of hitscan weapons, etc., and what that means. I only mentioned the rail gun because it's been rumored that this has happened as well. I've heard it from folks who also know a bit about the games. Do I believe it? Dunno. But I have seen bizzare bugs, so I believe anything is possible. (like, maybe it's not actually kicking a projectile, but perhaps a wierd effect is making it appear so, or whatever. All I'm saying is that I've seen enough weird stuff to believe just about anything)
they're apples vs oranges it had to be intentionaly coded that way
I hear you, but I still thinks it's possible they weren't. Again, I've been doing this for awhile, so my guess is not totally out of the dark. I have had people who write code, practically swear to something one way or another one day, only to find out next day something else. It happens. I'm just not convinced yet that it's not a side effect of something else. We have had other 'features' which originally started as a surprise, so it's not unheard of.

Not sure if Spa can answer it, we may have to wait for Major to show up and b/s with us someday to get the truth. Is it all that important to know? Of course not, but fans (of a band, a mod, whatever) often are interested in the mundane trivia associated with their obsession, and I'm no different.
Where are the guys who coded q2 chaos now....
I understand if you're typing that, for others who might be reading this thread, but myself, I am painfully aware of that situation. Although Fred has since poked his head into the dev forums a few times, and I've even seen a UT2003 server up and running with his name, and his email as admin. Though that was a couple weeks ago.

FurrySound has gone to much effort to reach Major, so that we can once again get use of our 'main' domain name. So far, to no avail. So yeah, I know about all that.
since its parents aren't around for good reason, busy on other things, our simply dont care.... why should we?
This is a understandable feeling, but I don't share it. Chaos became too popular, IMO, to let it die like that. If the guys who started it take off, as they did, there are others who can take the ball and run with it, as we have done.

Although since then, Spa has since come back, and is contributing greatly, and on a regular basis. I just put his new CUT2 logo on our website as POTW, as a matter of fact.

Granted, Chaos for Q3 bit the dust as a result, and that sucked. Some guys put a lot of their own time into stuff that got dropped. But it did not kill Chaos itself. And as long as myself, and a few of these other guys are still here, it will not. I do believe some of us are here to stay.

Long Live Chaos.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 4:16 pm
by MrG{DRGN}
makes sense.... chat with you later Flagg tried hailing you on AIM a few times , but to no avail.... Must finish off the Christmas shopping today.. which means I'll get done early this year :P btw any though on the airgun using cells.... anyone? If its something you want kept on the downlow.drop a line at remove the nobloodyspam part... put there for e-mail bots