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My first map: Duel-Monkeypoles

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 8:18 pm
by Sigma
If you have ever seen the last fight scene in the movie "Iron Monkey" then you should have some idea as to what I am going for here. It is very rough at this point (not to mention my first attempt at making a playable map) and I am currently looking for people to help me test it, since it would take much too much time to get it working with bots, if that is even possible with a map like this. The intent is to later add floating debris and have broken oil barrels leaking into the water, with players starting on burning boats that slowly do damage if you stay on them. Please reply if you are interested in playing it online. I will post more pics if there is interest.


note: you may have to reload the picture to get it to show up

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:18 pm
by jb
On my little AMD 1800+ with ATI card I only had 5 FPS so I could not play it. Will take a look at it later to see where you can improve the FPS some. Nice idea!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:20 am
by Sigma
Really? It ran a bit slow on my computer but I didn't expect it to be that bad. Perhaps I have too many smoke emitters, which is too bad because it looked real nice.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:49 pm
by Jerec
Kickass map.. but the map is choking my Radeon too.

Would those smoke effects really be necessary? (I havent Iron Monkey, so I'm not sure if you're trying to create the scene or if you're just adding the effect yourself)

Finally.. it seems real easy for someone to get a victory with a well placed kick.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:26 am
by Sigma
The smoke is my own addition, as I feel it adds a lot to the atmosphere. I will try reducing its density, but I'm not sure it is the only problem (though since I have no way to test it on a radeon, I can't be sure). I wonder if the large number of static meshes has anything to do with it. I could also try grouping some of the poles into single meshes I suppose. Is anyone familiar with the general overhead involved with these things?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:44 pm
by Sigma
Oh and I have some other questions: Does anyone know how to make a volume block the chaos napalm effect? I have tried blocking players, actors, karma, nothing seems to prevent the napalm from sinking to the bottom of the sea. And how do I get the volumes to kill players instantly without gibbing them? 100 damage seems to just make them explode.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:05 am
by Mr. SlackPants
To do some killing without gibbing, but spawning a ragdoll do this:

Place a trigger (or mulitple) and set the event for all of them. This will be the area where someone is killed.

Place an scriptedtrigger in your map, anywhere. (KeyPoint -> AIScript -> ScriptedSequence -> ScriptedTrigger)

Open it's properties and under aiscript add three new actions.
action [0] - WaitForEvent (event from trigger(s) above)
action [1] - KillInstigator (Set the damageType)
action [2] - GotoAction 0 (should goto the waitforevent action)

This will make sure the player that enters the triggerradius will be killed without gibbing.

That blocking napalm might be achieved with a HitScanBlockingVolume. Add one where there must be no flames. Open in the actor browser the package ChaosUT. Very importand. Open teh properties of the volume and look under Blockingvolume. Then add BlockedClasses. Im not sure which ones chaos uses that are the flame actors. But try these ones: one NapalmFlame and the other NapalmFlameEffect.

Not sure if those are the ones, but the chaos team will know which are the actors you need to block.
What it does is just act as a blocking volume for certain actorclasses. So when a actor class (for instance a rocket projectile) hits the volume it will explode as if it's hit a wall. Also when you shoot a rocket inside the volume (with the above example) it will not travel far since it will be blocked imediatly. So its just a blocking volume for specific classes. Should work i tihnk. :)


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:53 pm
by Sigma
Thanks! That helps a great deal.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:48 am
by jb
Sigma wrote:Oh and I have some other questions: Does anyone know how to make a volume block the chaos napalm effect? I have tried blocking players, actors, karma, nothing seems to prevent the napalm from sinking to the bottom of the sea. And how do I get the volumes to kill players instantly without gibbing them? 100 damage seems to just make them explode.
Hmmm let me think about you want both the flame and damage to stay? or just the FX effect?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:46 pm
by Marsfyre
Sigma wrote: I wonder if the large number of static meshes has anything to do with it. I could also try grouping some of the poles into single meshes I suppose. Is anyone familiar with the general overhead involved with these things?
Do not do this.... it will render them faster if there are more that are lower poly counts

EDIT : what did you use to make your static meshes? they have a really high render time and are low poly...

EDIT 2 : your fluid surface is way WAY WAY too big.. make it alot smaller and scale it up. Also reduce the number of particles.. there were like 500 rendering at a time...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:32 am
by Sigma
I'll try that. And I made the meshes just by converting a brush.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 4:07 am
by LoQtUS
Thats really bad. If you are going to do that just use the bsp brush.

Sorry would love to check this out but every time i click any of your links you are out of bandwidth :(

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:20 am
by Sigma
Thank you all for the advice, I made a new version which seems to work much better, I'll upload it when I find a place with some bandwidth. And I'll try replacing the meshes with brushes when I have some time. Though I thought that static meshes had less incremental overhead...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:50 am
by LoQtUS
Check out this link. it will explain it to ya ;) ... Suboptimal

Re: My first map: Duel-Monkeypoles

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 9:27 am
by mariakenneth
Sigma wrote: Sat Dec 13, 2003 8:18 pm If you have ever seen the last fight scene in the movie "Iron Monkey" then you should have some idea as to what I am going for here. It is very rough at this point (not to mention my first attempt at making a playable map) and I am currently looking for people to help me test it, since it would take much too much time to get it working with bots, if that is even possible with a map like this. The intent is to later add floating debris and have broken oil barrels leaking into the water, with players starting on burning boats that slowly do damage if you stay on them. Please reply if you are interested in playing it online. I will post more pics if there is interest.

Download omegle new

note: you may have to reload the picture to get it to show up
This map idea sounds quite interesting and unique, taking inspiration from the iconic fight scene in "Iron Monkey". The concept of having players start on burning boats and battle using monkeypole-style combat looks very promising. I'd be happy to help test this map once you have a playable version available. Please do share more screenshots or details as you continue developing this project.