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All Night Onslaught !

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:48 pm
by R.Flagg
Fun stuff! :)

Good to see a full server all night long! I can tell from spectating now and again that there are a lot of folks (like me) still learning how to use all the stuff, and at the same time others are going at it full bore.

Fun to watch, though. One side of map folks are working the team thing, building nodes and stuff, other side of map there's a guy in a Hellbender here, and one in a Hellbender there, each trying to fire from the drivers seat, but instead just honking the horn, and at powernodes that they can't attack yet even if they were using the guns. Hehe.

There's bound to be some nice tutorials around, maybe somebody has a link they could share here, for those playing on Furry's server. Or just some general tips.

For example, I notice a lot of folks still get in a Hellbender at start of round, and take off all by themselves w/o letting a teammate get on with them. Even Manta's can be used to give a buddy a lift to the 1st node, at least. TKAK and I did this once or a few times, and it works pretty good. One guy in the Manta, and one guy on it, go to 1st node, build it together, then you each can take a vehicle to the next one, and so on.

Another common mistake I saw while spec'ing tonight was folks gaurding their core, when it is not vulnerable. This leaves the rest of the team outmanned and outgunned where the action is really going down.

But it's early on, and folks will start picking up on this stuff. I'm still learning something new every time I play it seems.

Was really cool when Furry got the multiple rounds working. I really didn't care who won, just was cool to have new round start right up w/o having to load the map again. I would not have cared if the score limit was 99. :wink:

Good fun. Great to see so many names I know. Hope to see you all there again today.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:55 pm
by Kyllian
In theory, you could have up to 9 or even 10 passengers on a Manta

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:32 pm
ive done manta lifts with 3 people on it and 1 in(and a avril rocket flying to it :lol: )
I think that its not that people dont know how to,but they just dont have the patiance,dont have the feeling that tactics are -> brute force

And my nick is 5!! letters,and still almost none can spell it right(some examples,TAKT,KAKT,KTATK 8O )

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:48 pm
by DemonHunter
Alot of people never use Tactics with Vehicles.

Take a look at Halo for example, Odds are 50/50 the guy who jumps into the Hog won't bother to wait for a teammate... Dumb.

Onslaught Rocks!
And I love how when you enter the HellBender it puts your username on the lisense plate :twisted:

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:58 pm
by Zachariah
dont have teh demo yet (19:20 remaining , cursed 56k)
but In XMP or Bf1942 I never EVER use tactics with vehicles. Half the time , I'll be in a jeep waiting for a buddy and he'll snipe me to get the driver position , the other half , I'll be in XMP running for a raptor , and the guy will turbo and run me over. so I try to solo it with vehicles when I can.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:32 pm
gotta love the plates for hellbore

i think that people in other games think people will kill em for vehicles,not bother helpin,ofcourse getting a full vehicle doubles its potential,but as most of ut's servers dont have FF,people dont worry about that now

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:14 pm
by Gasman
Yes!! It was a blast last nite. I started playing on Furry's server around 9pm CST and the next thing I knew, the wife comes in here and says it is 5:30am 8O As RFlagg said, some of us are still learning how to use the vehicles. One thing I really thought that was so funny, was squashing players with whatever vehicle you have :lol: There were 2 certain Chaos Team members that seemed to single me out everytime I got in a Raptor. :lol: BTW, those airfights with Raptors rock!! The tanks are very fun to use, especially when you have someone maning the machine gun.
There was pretty much a fullhouse all nite and it seems like 2k4 runs a lot smoother than 2k3 did online. Voice chat worked very on my connection. I will have to rebind some keys for quick access to the talk button. There is a lot more to learn and tell, but that is for another nite. Great fun last nite yall.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:22 pm
by jeditobe1
the downside to the manta thing is at one point i had an enemy jump on it while i was getting in, and he stood there on the wing shooting me without me being able to do anything about it (well.. i could have gotten out i guess but i didnt have anything other than an assault rifle)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:40 pm
you could have driven to your base/teams goliath

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:58 pm
by Shadowstar
Doh, I just posted about the manta stowaway thing and it turns out everyone already knows about it.

Anyway, one way to lose an enemy who's on your manta is to flip the manta. If you're a good driver, you can do it, course you fall out too-- but sometimes the manta squishes the dude. You have to have appropriate terrain for it though, like a nice steep hill, and then you have to turn just right when you hit the hill.

Or you could just go full speed toward a mine trap and bail, then when he tries to take over, he gets a nasty surprise.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:43 am
by Iceboy
As soon as I get my rig back up and running (Power supply's 5V line shorted out and left some decent scorch marks on the connector plug this weekend), I'll be sure to hop in one night. It's gotta be better than some of the people who have been dropping in my server of late.

Honestly, I played for an hour and i was mortified at the lack of communication in my team, which eventually dissolved into me and someone else. I ended up playing for an hour and gave up in mild disgust and went looking for XMP.

If only people would read the preview material or the full manual that came with the demo (how often does that happen? 8O ), matches would be better.

I love watching people attacking my power core with the manta, only to have me hop up into the platform above, grab the AVRiL and knock them out with one shot (AVRiL very efffective vs. Manta) on my way down to the ground floor. That and the lack of understanding of the hellbender is great. More people = more firepower!

Although i will say, the tank is awesome to wield, that and the scorpion. The green bola is by far one of the neatest new weapons I've seen. Although the spider mines are neat, they don't exactly hold a candle to the beloved proxies (except that you can laser guide them.. Although I'd love to see a raptor being chased down by proxies).

That gives me an idea. In ONS... proxies would have no chance of chasing down a vehicle I think, and if their speed was increased... They would wreck havoc on foot soldiers. How about doing something like if they are hunting vehicles, they do like a rocket pack idea (I know that's been mentioned before, but I don't recall in relation to what) and travel ground faster that way... They still hop around for stalking people moving around on foot. Oh and they can't chase after Raptors, and maybe Mantas after they get above a certain altitude?

Their sho

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:26 am
by DemonHunter
There should be anti-Air proxies.
you fire them up into the air then they float at a set altitude like balloons until a raptor comes by at which point they rocket towards it :)

Great games tonight 8)

Re: Their sho

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:51 am
by neolith
DemonHunter wrote:Great games tonight 8)
Yes, that rocked! I'll have to try out the voice chat thing.

Maybe we can make some kind of rolling proxys that only go after vehicles (maybe via the weapon option key)?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:31 am
maybe make it so that if you just shoot a proxy-regular
if you hold your target so it guides on to a vehicle-vehicle proxy
if you hold your target so it guides on to a raptor-AA proxy

Re: Their sho

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:22 pm
by DemonHunter
neolith wrote:
DemonHunter wrote:Great games tonight 8)
Yes, that rocked! I'll have to try out the voice chat thing.
I'm never gonna touch it, unless I am playing in a Closed server.

Too much verbal crap comes out of those things in public servers :roll: