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10 most violent videogames!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:59 pm
by Zachariah ... -headlines

Assuming you havent read the skinny , Theres a link up above. The Story's in the link. AndFrankly , Im apalled that UT2004 Didnt make the list. :D

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:22 pm
by Kaboodles
UT2004 really isn't that violent for me. The blood sprays are unrealistic, and the gibs just aren't graphic enough.

What surprises me is that Halo 2 is on the list! WTF?! UT2004 is more violent than that!

I also like how they grouped Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas together as "packaging excessive violence, racial profiling and brutality toward women in ways that could appeal to children". I understand that about GTA, but Halo 2?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:10 pm
by Rythmix
and what about Def Jam fighting for XBox?! thats the number one most violent cold-blooded act of just hands on violence.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:29 pm
by jeditobe1
Well in halo two i can only think of one female character in the game.. and as far as i remember shes one of the few standing at the end...

EDIT: and im not going to trust the opinion of a place called "Interfaith Christian Center" to have an unbiased and objective view on the matter either...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:41 pm
jeditobe1 wrote:Well in halo two i can only think of one female character in the game.. and as far as i remember shes one of the few standing at the end...

EDIT: and im not going to trust the opinion of a place called "Interfaith Christian Center" to have an unbiased and objective view on the matter either...
i didnt even think that they know what they are listing there...

Generally,i dont consider what is the buzz around videogame violence,i doubt playing UT when at the age of 10 will have a impact if the kiddo is somewhat sane :o

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:02 pm
by neolith
jeditobe1 wrote:EDIT: and im not going to trust the opinion of a place called "Interfaith Christian Center" to have an unbiased and objective view on the matter either...
Neither will I. Most of these lists for video games are made by people that don't know what they are talking about. I think it was about two years ago when there was a shooting at a school here in Germany, because some freak snapped and got his hands onto some guns. It didn't even take the media a day to blame video games for that. And the funny thing was that a few days later our chancellor raised his voice on TV for censoring and banning CounterStrike. When asked if he had ever played it or any other games, his answer was: "Of course not."
Strange - whenever I say something about ****** politics or how someone carries out his faith like a zealot, I am told to shut up because I have no f*****g idea what I am talking about.

And while I wouldn't let kids of any age play Halo2 or HL2, they don't belong onto that list. There is games much worse out there. The list looks like a top ten list of games hyped up by the media because of their gameplay...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:08 pm
by LoQtUS
What Neo said!!!!!! Cause i cant say it any better. Neolith For Persident!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:11 pm
by Kaboodles
jeditobe1 wrote:Well in halo two i can only think of one female character in the game.. and as far as i remember shes one of the few standing at the end...
Well, there was that one marine. I guess that makes two females.

Really bad research there. That Hitman game doesn't come out till next year, and nobody with half a brain really plays Postal 2. You don't even need ESRB ratings to figure out that a game named "Doom 3" with its demon/zombie-covered box art could possibly be violent.
The article wrote:To parents and grandparents faced with confusing advertising and a vague and poorly promoted rating system for videogames, I say this: Take the time to learn about the worst games and steer clear of them ...
Vague and poorly promoted? The rating is on on the box, jewel case, and the CD! :x

Here's some interesting commentary on this article.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:23 pm
by anarchistIOU
YES Postal 2 made it on there... thats the most fun, amusing, awesome, beautifully made game ive every played. i love it. anyone else love it?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:37 pm
by Deapblade
Ah, this again. I agree with Loq and Neo on this one. BTW some guys made a parody flash about that incident in germany a while ago, if there are no people objecting I don't mind posting the link.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:15 pm
by The_0men
Why isnt silent hill on there??? That is the most disturbing,mindwarping,sickening,nightmareish game about......yea doom 3 isnt a kiddies game but i really dont find it scarey or exciting....more of a LAG MY COMPUTER TO HELL FEST! They dont know what they are talking about....its the mind warping games like silent hill etc that should have a little more warning to parents......

Halo 2? huh? Man theres like no blood on that they are just ritual game haters pure and simple really. Gess they just dont like games, mabe they are **** at them and get frustrated or they dont like kids having fun, mabe they think fun is a sin and people having "fun" should be put in an instution for hard labor???

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:52 pm
by lord_kungai

Absolutely right. Anybody who hasnt played a *violent* computer game will think all such games are gory, violent, sickening things that drives innocent childeren to the brink of insanity and corrupts their minds. OMFG!!! And yet you have *perfectly normal* things like Fear Factor, WWE, For Love or Money (Choose a number between 5 and infinity), etc. And they say computer games are bad!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:26 pm
Kaboodles_The_Assassin wrote:
jeditobe1 wrote:Well in halo two i can only think of one female character in the game.. and as far as i remember shes one of the few standing at the end...
and nobody with half a brain really plays Postal 2.
Gah,meh a zombie,m3 n0 n33d br41|\|

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:18 am
by Deapblade
The parody flash about that german incident, as I promised:

EDIT: it does not seem to work anymore, sorry.