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Problem, please help me

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:49 pm
by Delahue
When i start the game it tells me that my cd key is invalid and i have to reinstall my game and re enter my cd-key.

I DO have an original copy of the game, it is not pirated. i only got the game a couple of days ago and have been enjoying it offline, due to lack of an intenet connection, (i write this from my friends computer) My friend gave me this mod on a cd, so i installed it ran it, and got the above.

Is there a way i can make the game run without checking the cd key, or am i stuck at not being able to run the mod :(

Why is my cd-key aid to be invalid?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:15 pm
by Finn_bryant
what was the cd he gave you? was it made by ut or copied?

if it was made by ut it could have been from a different edition of the game thus explaining why your key doesnt work, if not then i dont know.

either way, i would suggest a reinstall.

but i dont think it could have been a ut disc because i didnt think chaos was on the ut04 2-disc edition for 2004.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:22 pm
by Delahue
it was a cd rw with the zip file of the chaos ut mod

i really dont want to reinstall cos i have a huge amount of mods that would otherweise have to be re-dl, im talking about 18 gb :(

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:34 pm
by Finn_bryant
ah...... well, im sorry have no ideas but im not one of the team and have no idea so dont give up hope yet.

and 18 gigs? thats a lot! you must have a massive hd.

well sorry but i cant see how this happened, CUT2 shouldn't cause that, did you do anything else around the same time?

do you have all the installer files for the mods? i archived all my installers on a different computer so i can reinstall my 5gigs of mods in about 20 mins.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:33 pm
by Delahue
i didnt do anything else at the same time, i think the game has a line of code somewhere that makes it check the cd-key against something, but i dont know what it checks it against as i have no internet.

I suppose only someone from the team can help me with this.

Thanks for trying though :)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:37 pm
by Delahue
lol, no worries i have sorted it now, i had to delete the Chaosut.ini and the chaosutuser.ini, good thing i read the zip install rules :P
(althoguh i did install with the umod, so im not totaly thick :P)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:23 pm
by L'architecte
Delahue wrote:im talking about 18 gb :(
hahaha mine is 35.5 gb 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:06 pm
by Delahue
lol, yeah, well thats just my ut 2004 folder, my doom 3 folder is 27gb, my ut1 folder is 14gb, my jedi academy folder is 12gb and my quake 2 folder is 9gb.

Thats just a selection of the best :P

They are all mixes of my own mods and maps, and other peoples stuff. Vanilla stuff sucks.


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:36 pm
by Bruce9950
All i can say is thank god for Huge HARD DRIVES :D

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:06 pm
by Finn_bryant
I only have 80gig :cry:

I have 4 newish games and 1 other program and thats it, i rotate the program every now and again.