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ChaosUT2 Map Competition

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:09 pm
by Tim
Hey, I just put this topic up for all the interesants to say they're interested in the competition.

Nothing's been settled yet (not even the gametype), I just wanna know how many mappers are actually lurking around and are ready to compete. Because if it's just L'Arc and me, then it's rather pointless.

The judges will (probably) be me, and some guys from CUT2 team. We also gotta figure who exacly will be the judge.

One thing's for sure: The maps will have to be for ChaosUT2 :)

More info will follow soon, and I'll make another topic when we take the real signups for the competition (to avoid confusion).


Re: ChaosUT2 Map Competition

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:45 pm
by L'architecte
Tim wrote:Because if it's just L'Arc and me, then it's rather pointless.
lol I am interested as you mentionned in your post^^

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:30 pm
by GB
er, i wouldnt suggest judging if you are entering.

Also *hijacks idea back to owner* the other post discusses some points about the competition. They arent finalised as said, but are at least an indication.

Map : probably hyper CTF or ChaosDM
Size : likely max of 3600 cubed (h x l x b ~the size of DM-training day)
Theme - tbc probably wordy floorplan since no others been suggested
Starting date - tbc - we'll know if youve been working on it for ages dammit!

Just call in here if you want to enter. Please dont be put off from entering.

The time limit will be 2 weeks from the start of the competition.
NO CHEATING - dont submit a map that's taken 8 months to build, we'll know.. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:00 pm
by Tim
venalanatomica wrote:er, i wouldnt suggest judging if you are entering.
Who said that I'd enter? Well, I would, but the thing is that I can't exacly give the prize to myself.
Plus, I said I'd MABYE be the judge. Most probably it won't be either of us, nor JB nor me.

Well, this competition is our own. That means it's our own rules :)
And I had the idea for a while, you just gave me the motivation :P

Sure, we can make a competition by you later on, but right now there are other rules.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:27 pm
by GB
I dont really know what to say. I have an idea, you take it and say you already had it but didnt do it? yes, that makes sense....

By all means go for it then. Ive lost interest. My original idea for a simple competiton done quickly has morphed into something that will take months to organise - too much chat, too many ideas, not enough action.

All i wanted was for people to sign up to show interest. The rules etc, we going to be decided by me, with input from (hopefully) hammer and jb.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:56 am
by Tim
venalanatomica wrote:I dont really know what to say. I have an idea, you take it and say you already had it but didnt do it? yes, that makes sense....
I did have the idea before.
venalanatomica wrote:By all means go for it then. Ive lost interest. My original idea for a simple competiton done quickly has morphed into something that will take months to organise - too much chat, too many ideas, not enough action.
Who said it would take months to organise? All I'm waiting now is for JB to decide on the judges.
venalanatomica wrote:All i wanted was for people to sign up to show interest. The rules etc, we going to be decided by me, with input from (hopefully) hammer and jb.
Here, most of the rules (if not all) are decided by JB. I just provide the prize and organise it.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:29 pm
by GB
I dont care if you had the idea before. You didnt do sod all about it!

Its nice to see you had enthusiasm, but you attitude is way wrong. You dont steal someone else's competition simply because you had the idea at some point. It was MY competition, therefore, i judged and set the rules. You didnt have to enter.

You seem to have some problem with me judging and setting the rules - are you aware i am in the team aswell as jb? I have made maps for chaos, and a lot of unreleased ones which this damn arguement has spurred me to start finishing. As far as i could tell, it was welll within my rights to set the rules since it was my competition.

I didnt need you to take over from me, i am quite capable of running a competition, especially in mapping.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:21 pm
by Tim
venalanatomica wrote:I didnt need you to take over from me, i am quite capable of running a competition, especially in mapping.
Do I have to repeat myself?
Here, most of the rules (if not all) are decided by JB. I just provide the prize and organise it.
So technically it's JB's competition. If you got a problem with that, go talk to JB.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:39 pm
by GB

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:14 am
by Bruce9950
Hey way to go about a mapping contest,I think that would be a great idea.
There has been next to NOTHING going on mapping wise except for L'arc.
quit the fighting over who judges,im sure it will work itself out.Let's see some ORIGINAL MAP'S :roll:

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:21 am
by GB
hey bruce, long time no hear.

If your interested, i am gonna try finish outpost16 in the next week or so. If you could playtest it thatd be cool. id like some different angles on what is lacking in the gameplay.
Flagg already had a look but i am not sure if hes seen the new version (ie the one hammer slaved on).

[Edit]Actually, you can get the beta from hammer's files. That way if you "reveiw" that one, ill have somethign to work from.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:23 am
by Tim
Bruce9950 wrote:quit the fighting over who judges
We're not fighting over who judges. If venalanatomica wants to judge, fine (if he stops bugging me).
He's bugging me about me stealing his competition idea and setting the rules myself.
I repeat myself again: JB SETS THE RULES!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:05 am
by L'architecte
ok ok calm down its a map competition or a judge competition ?

I can talk about the CUT map competition in the french community forums, there might be some chaos fans, even if I know they are not so chaos-addicted like me^^ (that's one of the reasons I am creating my own chaos web site) just waiting this competition to be "official"

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:25 pm
by GB
Tim wrote:
Bruce9950 wrote:quit the fighting over who judges
We're not fighting over who judges. If venalanatomica wants to judge, fine (if he stops bugging me).
He's bugging me about me stealing his competition idea and setting the rules myself.
I repeat myself again: JB SETS THE RULES!
sigh. yes, because i was bugging you. look, just forget it right? jeez. Its bad enough having a go at me, but leave the others outta this. If anything, your attitude is making YOU look bad on these forums. Now leave it to rest. We could both go on about this for ages, and i simply dont care anymore.

L'arch - perhaps that is a good idea. Having more than three of us in the competition would be a good idea, especially as i will probably not enter now - i am goign to concnetrate on finishing some old maps.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:44 pm
by Tim
venalanatomica wrote:because i was bugging you.
No, JB set the rules BEFORE you started to bug me.
EDIT: Ask him.