Posted this here: https://forums.unrealtournament.com/sho ... go14k-logo
http://richardboegli.deviantart.com/art ... -570437953

http://richardboegli.deviantart.com/art ... -570443005

http://richardboegli.deviantart.com/art ... -570444361

http://richardboegli.deviantart.com/art ... -570444912
Inspired from here: http://ut2341.com/UTlogo14k.jpg
When I saw HenrikRyosa (http://ryosa.com/) UTlogo14k (https://forums.unrealtournament.com/sho ... go-concept), I sketched up my own derivative version back in August 2014, but never CADed it up.
Just found my sketch when I was going through my UT4 development OneNote Notebook, so I thought I'd modeled it up quick to see what it would look like.
Some of the transitions I'll change to G2 smooth, but I wanted it done, so I took a few shortcuts.
It took about 10 minutes to get sketch right, but the sketch had a few sketching "Bad Practices" so it should really be redrawn if I plan to tweak the design more.
I cannot draw, but I can CAD! (Came up with deviant art bio quote while writing this post

This is just a screenshot from Autodesk Inventor 2016, not a proper render.
The other images I'll post are just different views of the same thing with different styles and from different angles.