Arena Match- CUT's vs. addon

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Arena Match- CUT's vs. addon

Post by Andyo »

Hi. I tried CUT arena match to get good at the sniper and crossbow. But was unable to specify what types of ammo. I found I was getting smeared by explosive heads and RPB's, when I wanted not to see where the shooter was at, or get my ass blown up. Bots seem to love poewrful ammo. Maybe same problems with CAS and Utility gun - I forget

Arena match 1.2 selects individual weapons, and more stuff that I won't get into, if you're having the same problems.

Maybe you could work this single-weapon idea into the next release of CUT's arena match. Different ammo types can be so different it's like a new weapon (the point, I guess).

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Post by AJC »

hey thats one of wormbo's old muts he made i better get that XD
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Post by R.Flagg »

Andyo, to be honest, I don't recall if that was something we did by design, or if it was just not looked into, or whatever. But glad to hear Mr. Wormbo's mut is working for you. He's pretty good.

I am not skilled in the arts of coding, but if such a thing is possible in UT2, I don't see a problem with making it availabe. So if one of the guys doing the coding says we can do it, I'll give it my vote.

Thanks for offering some input. Seriously. We love to hear what folks think.
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Feedback CUT and STuffswapper 3.2

Post by Andyo »

Must be tough- all I know how to do is complain, complain, complain and a lot of the feedback is what isn't up to snuff in CUT, not what is working fine and wonderful. To be fair you did include a version with CUT.

Now I wish it'd work with Stuffswapper 3.2, but I think thats its problem not yours. Think UT Map Manager didn't install a utility called StuffImporter.

Now all I got to do is get around the lag time of the arrow/bullet. I love kicking ass with a RPB (less delay, more damage), but I can't see what I'm shooting after a couple of shots. Do the bots have the same problem with sightlines? Maybe I'm just staying in the same place like some drunken idiot which is causing the problem. ("Move your ass sniper boy! Sheesh! Amateur!").

Oh, and about that gun hand problem with the crossbow (fires from your hip, crosshair is at eye level) Maybe centering the gun hand will work. That way at least it'll be vertically right. IMHO, the crossbow and sniper are tough weapons, what with lead time with regular ammo. But I guess you gotta allow some problems for a weapon with a freakin' scope that can put a crosshair on your noggin straight across a map. The SR lends itself to certain abuses in UT.
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Post by FurrySound »

Yeah, you are always complaining. Can't the board admin just ban you? 8O Oh, wait... that's me... :twisted:

j/k - We need feedback so we can fix things, make it better this time around, etc.

Arrow lag... well, its an arrow, it travels a lot slower than a bullet. :D

Non-RPB lag... well, its a bullet, it travels a lot slow than an RPB. :D

RPB smoke trail/visibility issue... well, its an RPB, it travels... ok.. its almost instant hit. Smoke rings allow the victim to see where they are being attacked from. They also block your view. You can do 1 of 2 things... cheat and turn off the smoke trails (not on my server you won't) or move, you camper you... :wink: ... actually, the idea is to make you move since its soo powerful. Balance.

I don't know if the bots are affected at all by the smoke trail. I do know that in CUT2E the bots will be affected by the flash grenade :D

Crossbow firing off center issue... somewhere on the forum is an explanation as to why it was that way. Maybe one of the other team members can respond as I don't remember the exact issue that arose.
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Xbow and off-center shooting, effects of poison, fire on bot

Post by Andyo »

Yeah, we figured out the Xbow was firing off center, but the zoomstops feature would fix it. Don't mind using zoomstops, actually, and it makes it work, so I'm good with it. (Just love putting a -75 arrow into somebody from afar with the scope) Don't know why zoomstops work and regular doesn't- maybe you could look into it.

Also wondering if the bots are affected by poisoning and fire visuals. I have trouble seeing a damn thing while on fire and less so when poisoned, and they still seem to hit me after I nailed them with the poison x-bow. Them being on fire seems to work though, running around disoriented while I set my Utility Gun to "Barbecue". But there's always that off-taste with the Necris, and the stomach pains afterwards.. and the throwing up..
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Post by FurrySound »

:D :D

In CUT2:E, the bots do react much much better to poison, napalm and flash grenades.

At this time there are no plans to revisit/change the CUT v1.1 code. We are working hard on the CUT2:E mod right now. This doesn't mean we don't want your feedback still. We may at some point revisit the code.

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