seems like cheating

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seems like cheating

Post by Bruce9950 »

:( i was playing the other day with the guy who helps me build pc's and play ut he a voice activated game device which all he had to say was jump,or shoot,etc and it will.Even online how can that be.Does anybody else know about this. :?:
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Post by jeditobe1 »

I dont know, it could be taken either way, but for most commands i find myself able to pull it off on the keyboard/mouse faster than by voice...
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Post by FurrySound »

I agree with Jedi... The voice command stuff is best left for non-instant action commands. Stuff like 'Vortex Launch' which isn't as time critical as firing a sniper type weapon. Microsoft makes on, Game Voice I think, which I believe allows this. There are others but I don't remember them... I'd love to play against him sometime to see his reaction times.

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Post by Lothar{Moo} »

I have MS GameVoice and have used it. I dont any more because not only did I find it much slower to react than issuing commands via keyboard but also it would often mistake any sound I made for a voice command so I found it changing weapons on me unecpectedly.

I can see it being of great use as a communications tool for team games, you can even assign team members to 4 different channels if you like but I tried it in Q2ChaosDM, CUT and CE and was not impressed with the voice command stuff in any of those games. I found it to be too laggy and unreliable.
It's now sitting idly on my desk with about 1/8 inch of dust on it :(
I'm glad I didn't pay too much for it :)

my 2 cents :)
Lothar{Moo} :proxy:
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Post by R.Flagg »

And... you're right bstef, it is exactly like cheating. But judging from what these guys are saying, it's not very effective cheating.

Keep pounding at those keys, actually playing the game, and you'll eventually have no trouble with all these guys looking for an 'easier' way, with aliases and 'voice toys' and whatever.

Practice and Skill; still the best way to go.

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Post by Mayhem »

Why is it cheating to use a voice controller Flagg? Some people use joystick, some use mouse, some use game pads. Is the input device you choose make you a cheater if it's not a mouse? What if you are handicapped and can't use a mouse and the only way you can play is with a voice activated controller? Sorry....I don't see it. Pretty sure it would create a disadvantage for you anyway much like an wireless mouse (laggier) so why knock it and say it's cheating? :?
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Post by Mayhem »

Keybinds/scripts for different moves are an inherent part of these games so if that's the angle you're coming from I still don't see it as cheating. It's an "option"....not a "cheat".
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Post by Sir Tahngarth »

using a stick or using voice commands is an option too, not a cheat. but using voice commands to play a game like UT is like using a flight yoke to play a side scroller. It has its merits for team communication, but using it to control the game is cumbersome and ineffective and not cheating. its almost like saying having a gig of ram to someone elses 256 is cheating. what, so now I have to take my sticks out so that I get the same performance as someone else? Turning off that announcer voice is cheating too, because you dont have to deal with the performance degridation that his annoying shouting puts on you ;)
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Post by eidolon »

oh hey Mayhem
where you been?

was wondering if anyone was going to call Flagg on this.
as if it will make a difference.
Think of it this way--it's an accessibility feature.
So Flagg thinks if a quadraplegic in a wheelchair wants to try playing,
he's a cheater.
Or if I broke my arm & still wanted to frag, albeit at quite a disadvantage,
I'm a cheater.


extending the logic here, I suppose if I just use aimed weapons, don't put lasers on teleport spawns, don't spam w/ the grenade launcher down main corridors, don't use any cheap tricks to get as many frags as I can any way I can...I must be cheating! Because I'm not playing the game as if I were Flagg, who seems to feel the less he thinks about something, the more he knows.

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Post by R.Flagg »

Oh fer cryin' out loud. Mayhem and eidolon. Misery loves company? Nice to see you here eidolon? You guys still aren't over Q3Chaos biting the dust are you?

But you have got to be kidding. :roll: You two guys are just reaching here, and for what? What's your goal here?

Handicapped people! Come on! That's your response!
eidolon wrote:uh....whatever.
Well said. Whatever indeed. What a joke.
eidolon wrote:who seems to feel the less he thinks about something, the more he knows.
Ah, now for the personal attack. This is you now eidolon? You've stooped to this now? Sorry to see this, it's not very becoming on you. And why is it this brought you out? And why the attitude there big boy?

Yeah, "fer sure" right back at you buddy.
eidolon wrote:as if it will make a difference.
Again, this is the level you've gotten to eidolon? Sorry to see that.

And let me say if you've got some beef with me, why don't you bring it to me, rather than cheap little potshots like some teenage forum troll. I'm sure you could have figured out how to contact me, but you'd rather show up after so long, and make yourself look like this? Sad.
eidolon wrote:So Flagg thinks if a quadraplegic in a wheelchair wants to try playing, he's a cheater.
What an incredibly asinine thing to say eidolon.


Edit: Call me on it eidolon? I'm callin you on it. Get a backbone and speak your piece to me. Let me make it easy on you:

41822505 #chaoticdreams

I'm waiting.

Oh, and BTW... if you think it bothers me that my strong opinions posted on the forums, sometimes brings out lots of intense debate..often with folks wanting to jump in just dying to prove me wrong....
Think again.

I post something, and you just can't help jumping in? Mission accomplished then, eh? You responding is just playing along with the game I was hoping for. Only today you played very poorly.
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Post by LoQtUS »

Tempers always seem to flare when a possable cheating discussion comes up. I would just like to take this moment to remind all of you that we do this for fun. Its just a game, have fun with it.

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Post by MrG{DRGN} »

OK, what is this Flagg .. I can understand to a degree being upset with Eidolon, but I can't see what Mayhem did in his response other than disagree with your opinion.... and that merits this sort of response from you! You need a vacation.

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Post by R.Flagg »

Ok, I can see that I was wrong to include Mayhem in that, and I apologize Mayhem.

I guess I made that mistake because he also made the ridiculous suggestion about handicapped people. But mainly it should have been directed at eidolon.
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Ridiculous Suggestion?

Post by Mayhem »

R.Flagg {MoO} wrote: guess I made that mistake because he also made the ridiculous suggestion about handicapped people.
I don't how that's ridiculous at all....

It seems more to me that your just being a little defensive because I didn't agree with you Flagg.

The Q3 jab was a nice touch but it shoots your credibility in the nards....
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Post by Mayhem »

The Eidolon who posted on this topic sounds a little "off". Not the guy I remember either.....