Suggesstions and cool stuff

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Suggesstions and cool stuff

Post by Frobozz »

Well, now that I finally got CUT2 working, I'd like to say awesome job guys! I love the new toys.

I have some suggesstions / wishlist that I'd like to post up though. Many months ago, I mentioned one or two of these before, but after playing the first real cuts of Chaos UT2, a few more have popped up.

1. Fireshield, poison shield, flash-proof goggles. Just to balance out multiplayer a little when some bloke starts dropping napalm all over the map. Make it last a certain amount of time/damage/ etc.

2. Turrets with variable weapon systems. Drop turret, give it a link gun, and it shoots green stuff. Give it a rocket launcher, it shoots rockets, give it a Claw2, and it shoots proxies (shudder), give it a gatling gun, and it shoots bullets... lots of bullets. Basically, have a turret generate with one default weapon, and allow the player to add one more after it generates (this removes the weapon from the player as it's "assimilated"). At a later time, the turret owner can come back and reload it, or replace one of the two weapon systems with another.

3. The Multibarrel Chaos Gun. Pull the trigger, and something shoots out, random each time. Uses ammo from other weapons. Alt-fire shoots a cluster of various ammo at once. Kinda like a D&D Wand of Wonder in a gun.

4. Sword and shield, Two swords, & Two-handed sword melee choices would be cool, though whoever is doing your animations may hurt me for suggesting it. :) The 3rd person stuff Jedi Knight did was cool, but since I can't stand 3rd person games, I shut it off.

5. Plasma or Lightning mines. Laser trip mines that are not hampered by distance from the mine itself. Trip the beam and a jet of plasma or lightning bolt zaps out from the mine. No splash damage, but gives the ability to put mines in the darndest places and still make them effective.

Well, that's some 2 cents. Thanks for the great mod! Can't wait to see how the melee stuff comes out!
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Ohhh... one more thing... Muhahaha

Post by Frobozz »

You know, when UT2k4 gets released with those cool vehicles, I'd love to see some kinda Chaos Vehicle. Of course, we're going to have to wait until 2K4 comes out to see what they'll be offering first.

Heh... fear a hover bike with a defensive proxy-mine dropper.
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Post by FurrySound »

This first release did not include turrets, melee system, vehicles, different mine types or the MUG.

So don't worry... we are working very hard. :D

I'm not saying all of this will be in the next release, but almost all of it.
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Re: Suggesstions and cool stuff

Post by neolith »

Frobozz wrote:Two-handed sword melee choices would be cool, though whoever is doing your animations may hurt me for suggesting it. :)
Most likely! ;) Nobody let SPA read this... :D
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Post by Kirin »


Personally, I'd like to have a weapon that is two-sided or double-bladed ... the closest weapon I can think of in mainstream is Darth Maul's saber but instead of saber light, it would blades or something.
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Post by FurrySound »

That sounds like a Klingon weapon :D
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Post by jeditobe1 »

bo staff anyone?

Of course to make it look good youd have to have it twirl which would be hell for animations
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Post by Isotope »

2 Handed weapon... Spear!
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Heh... animator's hell...

Post by Frobozz »

Ok... we need you to do animations for a double bladed swordstaff, a klingon batlaff, a 2-handed long spear, a standard bo staff, and the longsword...

Oh, and make them look all cool and fancy with lots of twirls and stuff...

Did I mention we'll need these animations for all the major skeletal model that are included with the game? Make sure you make about four or five general moves for each so it looks real and not someone just swinging it over his head repeatedly...

Hmmm... maybe we should add in twin swords as well... think you can do that before our next release date?

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