ERDW Scope

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ERDW Scope

Post by Finn_bryant »

[EDIT]Ive just looked at it, sorry, its a bit long[/EDIT]

I was playing with the erdw today, and was thinking, why is it in the sniper section (when you press '9')? well, obviously because it is a highly accurate hitscan weapon, but it is the only one without a scope.

so why doesn't it have a scope? IIRC the help file somewhere said "for various reasons", i think these reasons are probably, that

1. it has 2 fire modes already
2. it would be too powerful
3. if a scope was included, there would be no excuse from including the awo from the chaos sniper that lets you see through wall, which would make it way too powerful.

am i right so far?

now, i like the erdw and would like a nice scope on it, so how could it be done without overpowering the erdw, or running out of buttons?

well, chaos already offers 2 extra buttons, and only one is needed. the secondary fire could control the scope like other weapons, and the change ammo button could change between normal, and through walls shots. im not sure about the possibility of coding this though, as you would have to effectivly create 2 guns that use the same ammo (i think) which may not be possible (Jb?).

so that solves the button problem, now the real problem, balancing the gun.

firstly, i would suggest that the gun is stuck permanently in the snipers 'awo' option (which is the opposite to what would make sence, but this is chaos!) so the scope would not zoom as far, which would keep its power at long distance down.

but how to keep it from fragging through walls all the time? well, here is the only real work thus far (i think).....

how have you said the awo on the sniper works? it uses heat, sound, light and probably the rest of the em spectrum to detect your enimies.
so how does this gun work? it fires a projectile at very very high speed.

surely firing a bullet so fast would cause lots of heat, sound, light, and em radiation and stuff?

surely that would intefere with the scope? :D
so, you can fire one bullet through a wall at someone, but then the scope is messed for 5 seconds or whatever. it would be like firing a stun grenade at it (so you wouldn't have to recode that).

of cource firing a bullet normally doesn't take as much energy, so it would intefere with the scope as much.

just an idea i thought of while playing.....

what do you think?
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Post by Zachariah »

not to argue for the sake of arguing, but the rail function as is Is my preference, Its alot more rewarding if you can get someone through a wall using only your judgement of where you need to fire the shot based on how he's moving/what direction/how that person plays, than it is if you're just told where to shoot.

I had a pretty close game with flagg yesterday and I was hitting him through walls left and right. Fun stuff.
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Post by jb »

Actually we/I started to play around with the ERDW back in the last days of UT. I was using that as a proof of concept to see about shooting through walls. The idea was to try to get something like the rail driver from Red Faction (that did have x2 scope).

So what you proposed is do-able just we felt that it made the weapon un-balanced so we left off the the first few versions of it in UT2k3 had a zoom...and even limted wall see-trhough ability :)

But who knows as its always something we can revist for the UT2k7 version :)
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Post by Finn_bryant »

:(, yeah, you make a good point.

bet you still wish it had a scope every now and again though.....?

Yeah, guess ill have to think of a way of keeping that aspect of the game then.......

but i still want a scope!!!

[edit] i just saw Jbs post....

i didn't realise it used to have a scope. i think it should be revisited at some point, there are always ways of making something balanced, no matter how powerful it is.
but i suppose its best to wait until you have caught up with the backlog of ideas.....
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Post by Zachariah »

some skilled players can use the Sniper scope to get a target then quickly switch to ERDW and Take a pot-shot.
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Post by Finn_bryant »

ive tried that, and it only works for me when they are standing still, so it only works on bots usally, or snipers.
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Post by Kaboodles »

My problem with the ERDW is that it\'s pretty much an insta-kill machine if you\'ve got good coordination. Turn the wrong corner and you\'re zapped before you even realize you\'re staring down its barrel. I just feel it\'s way too powerful. If alt-fire had a longer cool-down, however...
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Post by azrael »

The ERDW doesn't need a scope.... it's more than killy enough as is.
:idea: A new relic that gives something similar to the tracking/prediction of the sniper scope would be awesome though. Of course, being a relic it would need a cool name like ghostvision or somesuch, and instead of the brackets used in the scope, it could use a transparent copy of the target's playermodel. No zoom though... :?:
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Post by jb »

Oh thats not a bad idea at all!!
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Post by Romulus777 »

sounds kinda cool

some_n00b: how'd you hit me?
Romulus777: my secret, not yours
some_n00b: grrr
Romulus777: :)
some_n00b: I'll kill you!
*checks score*
Romulus777: already did!
some_n00b: ...

you get the point. Tick people off, and have fun with it
proxys rule cuz they r funny a proud mac user

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Post by Finn_bryant »

yes, that would be cool, but it should fade, the further away someone is, the harder it is to see them through walls.

i still think that the inability to use the scope for 10 seconds after each shot could equalise the power......

but it is very powerful already, as you said......

the reason i really want a scope for the ERDW BTW is that i have really low resolution as i have a really poor fx5200, which has an overheating prob (which made it cost £15, which was cheap when i got it, still is i think), so i have to underclock it. so i cant see people in more than one pixel if they are a certain distance, and the aimer for the ERDW has 4 pixels in the middle, so which do i put them in?????!??
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Post by Zachariah »

I still firmly believe that there is no problem with just using your mind to judge where the other player is
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Post by Finn_bryant »

so which pixel do i use???!?!!!???? :lol:
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Post by lord_kungai »

Finn_bryant wrote:so which pixel do i use???!?!!!???? :lol:
The one in the midle, of course!!!

Jus' kiddin'...

Buy a new monitor... :D
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Post by Finn_bryant »

Buy a new monitor...
my moniters 1280x1024, so thankfully thats not the issue (because montiters are too expensive)

the problem is my graphics card, which was worth £15 a year ago, and although it can 'theoretically' manage 1280x1024, it really only gets to 640x480 max if i want to use a mug or something.

and i realise i need a new one, but unfortuanatly my funds for a new one at the moment are..... *goes to check*.......*can't belive its all gone so goes to check again*......... -£137 (note the minus sign). :lol:


i need to get more money, but by the time ive earnt up for it, the rest of my computer will be too rubbish for any card on the market (probably wont sell agp in the near future) and i will be planning to get a car, and ill be saving up for uni and ut04 will be obselete.... you get the idea.

i gues poor people just weren't meant to be good at games...... :cry:

i need a new mouse too, im having to use a trackerball with a dent in the ball, which means if the dent hits one of the brackets, it stops and i die, or i could use my cheapest-logitech-optical-mouse-available that one of the buttons soesn't click for anymore.

sorry for the complaining, i suppose i can at least afford erm.... well......ah.... oh, at least i can afford a screen that is theoretically capable of 1280x1024.......


EDIT: well, i suppose, to be fair, ive never actually had a real job in my life, which is why all my money seems to have a '-' in front of it.
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