How can I make the Crossbow the default weapon?
How can I make the Crossbow the default weapon?
I'm making a KOTH map based on an old UT99 KOTH map, and I'd like to remove the CPP from being the default, and make it so the Crossbow is the default.
What's the best/easiest way to do this?
What's the best/easiest way to do this?
In the ChaosMapInfo actor there are two settings:
var() bool bUseSingleWeapon; // Bool that tells the ChaosUT Mut to use the single weapon
var() class<Weapon> SingleWeaponType;
Setting this bUseSingleWeapon to true and selecting the type of weapon will do what mass is suggesting...and its what I did with KOTH-FIAB. Is that what you wanted to hear?
var() bool bUseSingleWeapon; // Bool that tells the ChaosUT Mut to use the single weapon
var() class<Weapon> SingleWeaponType;
Setting this bUseSingleWeapon to true and selecting the type of weapon will do what mass is suggesting...and its what I did with KOTH-FIAB. Is that what you wanted to hear?
I put in a ChaosMapInfo actor and tried the tip at the bottom of the thread here but now it's in arena crossbow mode, I was just looking to make it so the crossbow was the default weapon you start with without picking it up, instead of the CPP as being such. I still was hoping for other weapons placed in the map to be usable, and not turned into a crossbow. Is there any way to replace the CPP without forcing the arena mod?
thanks for the prompt reply. I think I've done something similar before, but it was by adding an an ammo pickup with a negative ammo amount, such that you start the level with the weapon, but instantly lose it's ammo, and thus cannot switch to it. But I can't find a placeable CPP ammo actor (or, actually, any CPP actor so far, but haven't spent too much time looking).
If it would only take a few minutes of your time, code to remove the CPP as default weapon, or simply to remove it's initial ammo would be greatly appreciated. Others might like to make use of such a mini mutator as well (I'm guessing some liked the old UT 1 style of the crossbow default, I can't be the only one). This isn't a jab at the decision to make CPP default, but rather a compliment to the original UT 1 mod. I'm not sure I'd even be making my map, if I had bothered to make a backup copy of my UT 1 map. I'd had it on so many computers (friends and mine) at one point I didn't give it second thought, but slowly said computers were reformatted or sold, and by the time I went looking for the map, it was nowhere to be found.
For others sake, if you'd like to make the code effectively get rid of the CPP and provide the crossbow (or other selectable weapon if it wouldn't take much time) upon startup, that would be ideal.
My spawnpoints currently provide the crossbow, but I'd be glad to remove the crossbow pickups should they become redundant!
Thanks again, and thanks to the Chaos team for providing KOTH. I'm truly disappointed in how many FPS games don't have a KOTH mode, or do, but don't have enough options for it (like FFA instead of just 2 team mode such as "Hamburger Hill" in GR:AW and such). I'm not certain, but it might have actually been the fact that you had KOTH that lead me to find and use your mod in the first place.
Another question: Would it be difficult to somehow make the single fire charged power right click mode of the crossbow be the default instead of the multi arrow mode? I'm guessing it'd take too much coding, so don't bother if so. All I really need is some way to make the CPP ammo zero all things said and done.
If it would only take a few minutes of your time, code to remove the CPP as default weapon, or simply to remove it's initial ammo would be greatly appreciated. Others might like to make use of such a mini mutator as well (I'm guessing some liked the old UT 1 style of the crossbow default, I can't be the only one). This isn't a jab at the decision to make CPP default, but rather a compliment to the original UT 1 mod. I'm not sure I'd even be making my map, if I had bothered to make a backup copy of my UT 1 map. I'd had it on so many computers (friends and mine) at one point I didn't give it second thought, but slowly said computers were reformatted or sold, and by the time I went looking for the map, it was nowhere to be found.
For others sake, if you'd like to make the code effectively get rid of the CPP and provide the crossbow (or other selectable weapon if it wouldn't take much time) upon startup, that would be ideal.
My spawnpoints currently provide the crossbow, but I'd be glad to remove the crossbow pickups should they become redundant!

Thanks again, and thanks to the Chaos team for providing KOTH. I'm truly disappointed in how many FPS games don't have a KOTH mode, or do, but don't have enough options for it (like FFA instead of just 2 team mode such as "Hamburger Hill" in GR:AW and such). I'm not certain, but it might have actually been the fact that you had KOTH that lead me to find and use your mod in the first place.
Another question: Would it be difficult to somehow make the single fire charged power right click mode of the crossbow be the default instead of the multi arrow mode? I'm guessing it'd take too much coding, so don't bother if so. All I really need is some way to make the CPP ammo zero all things said and done.
while I am more than happy to do this for you, have you try mut like Switch Arsenal?
http://unrealtournament2004.filefront.c ... l_60;17730
I only wanted to ask as they already have this ability to do this for you.. So let me know if that would work or if you still wanted your one thing for just the xbow.....
while I am more than happy to do this for you, have you try mut like Switch Arsenal?
http://unrealtournament2004.filefront.c ... l_60;17730
I only wanted to ask as they already have this ability to do this for you.. So let me know if that would work or if you still wanted your one thing for just the xbow.....