Mac issues

All about Chaos for Unreal... (UT3, UT2004, UT2003, UT)
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Mac issues

Post by gamer119 »

I'm using ut2k3 on a mac. I can get mods to play when I use zip files and manually place the files where they need to go. The macintosh umod installer really doesn't work. Chaos plays, but frequently crashes. The update allowed me to play alot longer without a crash, but I'm still crashing everytime myself, a bot, or anyone for that matter gets the grav belt. It doesn't cause a kernel panic, but I get a KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE
every once and a while and the game simply quits. Any other mac users out there figure anything out? Also, 50% of the time when I use the evolution mutator on a non-chaos level the game quits as soon as the level is finished loading, giving me the same kernel protection mumbo jumbo. Thanx for any help

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Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »


yes I think we have an issue with macs. We have had this same type of report from 3 other users with Macs. The PC users do not see this. I will copy you on an email I sent out today to the other users. I want to gather some info and then talk to epic about this. Sorry for your troubles.
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Location: Carroll College - WI

Post by gamer119 »

If you need someone to try some different scenarios and feed you with information, let me know what to do / what you need and I'm more than happy to help. Mods so far are way too difficult to get working on a mac. umod files just don't work, and the instructions that come with zip files are meant for windows users. Those who have figured out modding on a mac, rise up, make your voice known in this windows dominated community!

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Post by jb »

No problem. Email sent to you. Thanks again for your time.
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Post by jeditobe1 »

Do macs have the same file folders as windows?

Benchmark (not used for Chaos)
Cache (not used for installation of Chaos)
Forcefeedback (not used for Chaos)
Help (we put docs there)
Karmadata (not used for Chaos)
Prefabs (not used for Chaos)
Saves (not used for Chaos)

Think those are all the folders for UT2k3 for windows. The Chaos files are divided up so they will go to those folders but if the folder names are different it might be part of the problem.

Oh yeah: since i assume Macs dont use the windows patch... what version is the mac UT2003 on? Equivalent to 2225 for windows?
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Location: Carroll College - WI

Post by gamer119 »

Yes, the mac version of ut2k3 has all the same files. However, the setup is different. An application on mac os x contains all its files and content inside a package. I have a 3.76 gig file that is the application unreal tournament 2003. I can control click that application (equiv of a right click) and select "view package contents" to get to unreal's files. The user inis, logs, caches, and saves are kept seperate in ~/library/application support/unreal tournament 2003. To find what build I am running I had to check the log, I am running 2225. This is what was shipped to me as there aren't any mac updates out there.
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Post by jeditobe1 »

just as a question, are you trying to launch the windows shortcut we included in the zip? That might cause problems since it references windows-style drive locations

Also for the grav belt part: which placement option are you using? The "add" option? Try setting it to ignore and grabbing a map based belt (think one spawns occasionally in the powerup spawn in ChaosDM1, which is included in the mappack)

Also, if you can snag a UT2003.log file and email it to one of us or paste its contents in here when you get the open a level and crash issue it might help a bit. Logs for the gravbelt would be sweet too if you can.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Post by gamer119 »

I'm launching the game via instant action from ut2k3 menu. None of the shortcut files from any mod are mac compatible. The grav belt crash happens in the chaos levels where it has a placement, and when they are "added" to any other level. I have replied to jb's e-mail, and sent him a full log. Most of the crashes I blame on someone grabbing the belt, but the crashes that happen immediatly after a level loads, before the 3,2,1 countdown, are a complete mystery.
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Post by jeditobe1 »

See if you can get a log of that crash as well. Im guessing its having trouble loading a file and its causing a crash, and if so it should show up in the log.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Post by gamer119 »

I've been playing a few more levels and I think I might know why certain levels won't even load. It would seem that any level with a superweapon (redeemer, ion painter) won't load. I realized that I hadn't yet seen the vortex, so I tried loading some levels I knew would have superweapons. Not a single one loaded. With chaos as the only loaded mutator, here is the log created directly after one of these crashes:

Log: Log file open, Thu Jul 31 23:45:40 2003
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Log: No locale detection on OS X at this moment.
Log: Your locale: [Unknown].

Init: Version: 2225 (121.29)
Init: Compiled: Jun 1 2003 15:36:48
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: /Games/Unreal Tournament
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2003-04-07_17.42]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: OS Type=MacOS 10.2.6
Init: CPU Type=PowerPC G4/Vger/Altivec
Init: This CPU has Altivec support.
Init: Physical RAM: 805306368 bytes (768 megabytes)
Init: CPU Speed=1249.000000 MHz
Init: File handle limit is soft=(256), hard=(-1).
Init: Changed file handle limit to soft=(1024), hard=(10240).
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Init: Detected 0 joysticks
Init: SDLClient initialized.
Init: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: binding libGL.dylib
Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
Log: (Karma): Loading: Alien.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Bot.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Human.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: intro.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: jugg.ka
Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (12 Assets).
Log: LoadMap: Entry
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 16796427.918994...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Thom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Cobalt?team=0
Log: LoadMap: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Thom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Cobalt?team=0
Warning: Type mismatch in MA of Orientation: file 2, class 16
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 18633->18593; refs: 183459
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
Warning: Paths may not be valid.
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 16796429.380456...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Init: AL_VENDOR : Any
Init: AL_RENDERER : Software
Init: AL_VERSION : OpenAL 1.0.5
Init: ALAudio: subsystem initialized.
ScriptLog: Team 0
ScriptLog: Login: Thom
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Adrenalin': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Adrenalin'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Berzerk': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Berzerk'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Booster': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Booster'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Invisible': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Invisible'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Speed': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Speed'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.FlackMonkey': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.FlackMonkey'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.ComboWhore': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.ComboWhore'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.HeadHunter': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.HeadHunter'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.First_Blood': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.First_Blood'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Play': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Play'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Returned': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Returned'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Returned': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Returned'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Dropped': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Dropped'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Dropped': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Dropped'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Taken': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Flag_Taken'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Taken': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Flag_Taken'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Killing_Spree': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Killing_Spree'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.WhickedSick': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.WhickedSick'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Scores': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Scores'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Scores': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Scores'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_increases_their_lead': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_increases_their_lead'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_increases_their_lead': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_increases_their_lead'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_takes_the_lead': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_takes_the_lead'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_takes_the_lead': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_takes_the_lead'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.HatTrick': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.HatTrick'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.One': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.One'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Two': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Two'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Three': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Three'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Four': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Four'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Five': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Five'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Six': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Six'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Seven': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Seven'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Eight': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Eight'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Nine': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Nine'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Ten': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Ten'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Double_Kill': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Double_Kill'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.MonsterKill_F': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.MonsterKill_F'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.LudicrousKill_F': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.LudicrousKill_F'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.HolyShit_F': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.HolyShit_F'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.NewRoundIn': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.NewRoundIn'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.BallReset': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.BallReset'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Pass_Fumbled': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Pass_Fumbled'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Pass_Fumbled': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Pass_Fumbled'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_on_Offence': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_on_Offence'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_on_Offence': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_on_Offence'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Dominating': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Dominating'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Dominating': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Dominating'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Scores': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Red_Team_Scores'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Scores': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Blue_Team_Scores'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Averted': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Averted'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Narrowly_Averted': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Narrowly_Averted'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.Last_Second_Save': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.Last_Second_Save'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.5_minute_warning': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.5_minute_warning'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.3_minutes_remain': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.3_minutes_remain'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.2_minutes_remain': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.2_minutes_remain'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.1_minute_remains': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.1_minute_remains'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.30_seconds_remain': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.30_seconds_remain'
Warning: Failed to load 'Sound Announcer.uax.20_seconds': Failed to find object 'Sound Announcer.uax.20_seconds'
Log: CinematicPlayer got player SDLViewport
Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
ScriptLog: New Player Thom id= 281f7b00c19b941884674b380adf8cae
Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 1024x768 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Init: GL_VENDOR : ATI Technologies Inc.
Init: GL_RENDERER : ATI Radeon 9000 OpenGL Engine
Init: GL_VERSION : 1.3 ATI-1.2.20
Init: Device supports: GL
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Init: Device supports: GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Init: Device supports: GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range
Init: Device supports: GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object
Init: Device supports: GL_ATI_array_rev_comps_in_4_bytes
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multisample
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Init: C32 RGB888 Z24 S0
Init: OpenGL: Level of anisotropy is 1.000000 (max 16.000000).
Init: OpenGL: Failed to get a multisample GL context
Init: Using GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range.
Init: OpenGL: allocated 32 MByte of AGP memory
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 9.436168 seconds
Log: Precaching: NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.037 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.357 seconds
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Thom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Cobalt
Log: URL: Adding default option team=0
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Thom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Cobalt?team=0
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport SDLViewport
ScriptLog: Team 0
ScriptLog: Login: Thom
Log: PlayerController got player SDLViewport
Error: Sound is too short for streaming: ..\Music\KR-EndingSequence.ogg
Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
ScriptLog: New Player Thom id= 281f7b00c19b941884674b380adf8cae
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.Face2003[FuT]rev3
Log: Scanning and building mutator list
Log: xUtil::CacheLoad CachePlayers (1.261095 seconds)
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XPlayers.CopAA
ScriptLog: UT2InstantActionPage::PlayButtonClick - Sending [open CTF-Face3?Game=XGame.xCTFGame?Difficulty=1?bAutoNumBots=True?NumBots=1?GameSpeed=1.00?WeaponStay=True?Translocator=True?FriendlyFireScale=0.00?GoalScore=3?TimeLimit=15?MaxLives=0?AllowThrowing=True?Mutator=ChaosGames.ChaosUT] to the console
ScriptLog: GUIController::CloseMenu - Package.UT2InstantActionPage
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Thom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Cobalt
Log: URL: Adding default option team=0
Log: Browse: CTF-Face3?Game=XGame.xCTFGame?Difficulty=1?bAutoNumBots=True?NumBots=1?GameSpeed=1.00?WeaponStay=True?Translocator=True?FriendlyFireScale=0.00?GoalScore=3?TimeLimit=15?MaxLives=0?AllowThrowing=True?Mutator=ChaosGames.ChaosUT?Name=Thom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Cobalt?team=0
Log: LoadMap: CTF-Face3?Game=XGame.xCTFGame?Difficulty=1?bAutoNumBots=True?NumBots=1?GameSpeed=1.00?WeaponStay=True?Translocator=True?FriendlyFireScale=0.00?GoalScore=3?TimeLimit=15?MaxLives=0?AllowThrowing=True?Mutator=ChaosGames.ChaosUT?Name=Thom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Cobalt?team=0
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: Static mesh batches: 9068148 vertex bytes, 1283928 index bytes
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: 16796453724.0ms Unloading: Package NvidiaLogo
Log: 16796453724.1ms Unloading: Package NvidiaLogo_T
Log: 16796453724.1ms Unloading: Package HumanoidArchitecture2
Log: 16796453724.1ms Unloading: Package NvidiaLogo_M
Log: 16796453724.2ms Unloading: Package NvidiaLogoSounds
Log: 16796453724.2ms Unloading: Package NvidiaGorge
Log: (Karma): Terminating Karma for Level.
Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
Log: 16796453727.6ms Unloading: Package Announcer
Log: 16796453731.5ms Unloading: Package CTF-Face2003[FuT]rev3
Log: 16796453731.8ms Unloading: Package AbaddonHardware
Log: 16796453731.9ms Unloading: Package AbaddonHardwareBrush
Log: 16796453731.9ms Unloading: Package wm_textures
Log: 16796453731.9ms Unloading: Package MapThumbnails
Log: 16796453731.9ms Unloading: Package SC_Intro
Log: 16796453732.0ms Unloading: Package AlleriaHardwareBrush
Log: 16796453732.0ms Unloading: Package ShiptechHardwareBrush
Log: 16796453732.0ms Unloading: Package gooseFX
Log: 16796453732.0ms Unloading: Package ArboreaLanscape
Log: 16796453732.1ms Unloading: Package AWStellarMeshes
Log: 16796453732.1ms Unloading: Package AWCity
Log: 16796453732.1ms Unloading: Package AlleriaHardware
Log: 16796453732.2ms Unloading: Package TowerStatic
Log: 16796453732.2ms Unloading: Package cassTextures2
Log: 16796453732.2ms Unloading: Package Shiptech2
Log: 16796453732.2ms Unloading: Package HumanoidArchitecture
Log: 16796453732.3ms Unloading: Package Chrome_cp
Log: 16796453732.8ms Unloading: Package Bonuspack
Log: 16796453732.8ms Unloading: Package MutantSkins
Log: 16796453732.9ms Unloading: Package AnnouncerEvil
Log: 16796453732.9ms Unloading: Package HumanoidHardware
Log: 16796453732.9ms Unloading: Package HumanoidHardwareBrush
Log: 16796453733.0ms Unloading: Package ChaosGames
Log: 16796453733.3ms Unloading: Package ChaosGames_UI
Log: 16796453733.3ms Unloading: Package ChaosInterface
Log: 16796453733.4ms Unloading: Package ChaosTex_001
Log: 16796453733.4ms Unloading: Package ChaosGraffitti
Log: 16796453733.4ms Unloading: Package ChaosEsounds1
Log: 16796453733.5ms Unloading: Package ChaosTex_003
Log: 16796453733.5ms Unloading: Package ChaosTex_002
Log: 16796453733.5ms Unloading: Package MultiPickup
Log: 16796453733.6ms Unloading: Package Chaos_Extras1
Log: 16796453733.6ms Unloading: Package ChaosFX_1
Log: 16796453733.7ms Unloading: Package ChaosExtras
Log: 16796453733.7ms Unloading: Package sg_UT2003_pickups
Log: 16796453733.7ms Unloading: Package sg_UT2003_Jumpboots
Log: 16796453733.7ms Unloading: Package ChaosUTmodels_1
Log: 16796453743.9ms Unloading: Package HealthBot
Log: 16796453744.3ms Unloading: Package SkaarjPack
Log: 16796453744.5ms Unloading: Package SkaarjPack_rc
Log: 16796453744.6ms Unloading: Package SkaarjPackSkins
Log: 16796453744.6ms Unloading: Package healthbottextures
Log: 16796453749.8ms Unloading: Package Matrix_v120
Log: 16796453750.5ms Unloading: Package matrixrings
Log: 16796453750.6ms Unloading: Package MonkeyMatrixInterface
Log: 16796453750.6ms Unloading: Package BR-Anubis
Log: 16796453751.1ms Unloading: Package DavesTextures
Log: 16796453751.2ms Unloading: Package OutdoorAmbience
Log: 16796453751.2ms Unloading: Package GeoThermalTextures
Log: 16796453755.9ms Unloading: Package UTClassic
Log: Garbage: objects: 41583->35194; refs: 586777
Log: Game class is 'xCTFGame'
Log: Fixing up CTF-Face3
Log: Level is Level CTF-Face3.myLevel
Log: Bringing Level CTF-Face3.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 16796453.917445...
ScriptLog: Difficulty 1
ScriptLog: GameSpeed 1.00
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is CTF-Face3.DMMutator
ScriptLog: Mutators ChaosGames.ChaosUT
ScriptLog: Add mutator ChaosGames.ChaosUT
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
ScriptLog: MaxLives 0
ScriptLog: GoalScore 3
ScriptLog: TimeLimit 15
ScriptLog: Translocators: True
ScriptLog: bAutoNumBots: True
ScriptLog: WeaponStay: True
ScriptLog: TeamGame::InitGame : bBalanceTeams True
Log: Backtrace: ULinkerLoad::Serialize <- TArray<< <- UFireTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- UObject::execClassContext <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- BeginPlay <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- ClientTravel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Thu Jul 31 23:46:19 2003
Inactive Chaos Team Member
Posts: 2638
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:06 pm
Location: The Dagobah System

Post by jeditobe1 »

hmm... texture guys, is Serialize a way to modify textures? Might not be availible in the mac renderer.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
Posts: 9825
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »


just a hunch but going of what Jetidobe1 might have found can you try something for me? Can you try to play an IA DM on DM Geal with bots w/o a gravbelt. And let me know if it crashes?
Posts: 9825
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »

Whoa, looked at another log file from a mac that crashed right on start up and saw this:

Code: Select all

Log: Backtrace: ULinkerLoad::Serialize <- TArray<< <- UFireTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- UObject::execClassContext <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- BeginPlay <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- ClientTravel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Looks the same right?
Inactive Chaos Team Member
Posts: 2638
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:06 pm
Location: The Dagobah System

Post by jeditobe1 »

think there was a post with a crash similar to that in one of the bugthreads too.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
Posts: 9825
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 12:29 am
Location: Coral Springs, FL

Post by jb »

Yeap when I saw the two with the same crash I figued we found the common issue. Email sent to Epic.
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