Help, trying to set up Weapon Arena style!

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Help, trying to set up Weapon Arena style!

Post by tomchick »

Hey guys,

I'm trying to figure out how and whether I can set up a game so it only has a single Chaos UT weapon available at a time. I'd like to do this as a way of acquainting my LAN group with the different guns and what they do.

However, if this is possible, I can't figure out how to do it. I have the Chaos UT: Weapon Arena mutator, but activating it doesn't seem to achieve the desired effect. And it doesn't add any options to the 'configure mutator' screen. Can anyone help me out here?

[FnG] Torgo
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Post by [FnG] Torgo »

Bump, and augment (if you don't mind me hijacking the thread ever-so-slightly...).

I would like to see a comprehensive list of game options and mutators that can be set in the "Parameters" box of the Game Configuration Edit window when setting up a server.

Or in other words -- how can I set up different votable game types for, say, Duel with Melee weapons, as opposed to Duel with mapper's choice weapons (i.e., setting different game options) -- or DM with Chaos weapons as opposed to DM with one weapon chosen as, say, a proxy arena (i.e., mutators)... Which I think brings us back to the original post that started the thread.

Caution: Sycophancy at 12 o'clock ....

Gotta say, I'm generally not much for mods, but Chaos is brilliant! I'm trying to get more of my clan hooked, which is why Iwant to set up at least a humble little server, but put the bells & whistles on it that will make people's jaws drop. Any help you can provide in regards to the above will be much appreciated!
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Post by jeditobe1 »

Well assuming all goes to plan (and im checking this on my PR3.01 install so it should be accurate:

Once you add the weapon arena mutator to the list (note: it MUST be in the active mutator list), click the configure mutators button. There should be a drop down under Chaos UT: Weapon Arena, where you can select a given weapon or ammo type. That said, you can either enable or disable the chaos mut, it should work both ways i beleive. However, i checked it with the chaosut mut and it worked fine. The main chaos mutator detects you are running the arena version, and does not try to adjust the weapon spawning.
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Post by [FnG] Torgo »

Another bump?

Possibly the information I asked for above already exists somewhere. A link would be very helpful. Whatever's configurable in the "Parameters" box -- keywords and values.

Thank you!!!!!!
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Post by jeditobe1 »

Are you talking about the ones for the specific gametypes or the ones for the mod in general? or both?

Anyways, the easiest way to find them is to look in your ChaosUT2.ini

Under each of the sections for gametype you can see the configurable options (their actual names), and the same goes for the main mutator.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Post by [FnG] Torgo »

Thank you! I forget what I n00b I can be sometimes.

(Look in the .ini. Heh.)

That's why you're the modder, and I'm keeping my day job!

Seriously, thanks,
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Post by jeditobe1 »

Any time =)
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Post by tomchick »


When I activate Chaos UT: Weapon Arena, I'm not getting the option to configure it. Other mutators, incluing the basic Chaos UT mutator, work fine and allow configuration options. Any ideas? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chaos UT, and I've tried it on a few different computers, but no dice. :(

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Post by tomchick »

Oh, and I do have Advanced Options checked in the configure mutators screen.

the magical link fairy
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Post by TKATK »

got the patch?did you try adding weapons arena to active muts and then clicked configure
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Post by jb »

tomchick wrote:Oh, and I do have Advanced Options checked in the configure mutators screen.


sorry for your issues. Can you try it one more time, then cut and paste the chaosut2.log file here? In the log should be the key to why its not working for you. TY
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Post by tomchick »

Hey jb,

To reiterate, here's my situation: I've done a fresh install of UT2004, I've applied Chaos UT 3.0 and then the 3.01 patch (both as UMODs), then I've booted the game up using the *.bat file in the ChaosUT directory. I go to the mutator tab, add the arena mutator so that it appears in the active window, then click on the configure mutator button. I make sure the 'Advanced Options' box is checked, but still there's no option to configure anything. :(

Below is my log file in case that's any help.

Thanks for your help with this and let me know if I can provide any additional info.


Log: Log file open, 08/27/04 18:06:33
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
Init: Version: 3270 (127.29)
Init: Compiled: Jul 27 2004 14:29:19
Init: Command line: -mod=ChaosUT2 -MainMenuClass=ChaosGames.ChaosGUI_MainMenu
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: C:\Games\UT2004\System\
Init: Ini:..\ChaosUT2\System\ChaosUT2.ini UserIni:..\ChaosUT2\System\ChaosUT2User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Patch_[2004-07-27_14.28]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: ati2dvag.dll/RADEON 9800 PRO
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 5.602000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: ChaosNoIntro.ut2?Name=Tom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Axon?team=1?Sex=M?SpectatorOnly=1
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 26994->26994; refs: 272755
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Bringing Level ChaosNoIntro.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 10.480000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Progress: Exporting JB-Solamander...
Log: Exporting JB-Solamander.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-SavoIsland...
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.MesaEnv2
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.MesaEnv1
Log: Exporting JB-SavoIsland.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Poseidon...
Log: Exporting JB-Poseidon.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-NoSense...
Log: Exporting JB-NoSense.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-MoonCraters...
Log: Exporting JB-MoonCraters.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-IndusRage2...
Log: Exporting JB-IndusRage2.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Heights...
Log: Exporting JB-Heights.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Conduit...
Log: Exporting JB-Conduit.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Cavern...
Log: Exporting JB-Cavern.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-CastleBreak...
Log: Exporting JB-CastleBreak.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-BabylonTemple...
Log: Exporting JB-BabylonTemple.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Arlon...
Log: Exporting JB-Arlon.....Successful!
Progress: Exporting JB-Addien-Dwy...
Log: Exporting JB-Addien-Dwy.....Successful!
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
MusicPlayer: Couldn't find a matching frametype for b
Log: ALAudio: Using DirectSound to record audio.
ScriptLog: New Player Tom id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 1280x1024 Fullscreen 1
Log: Using back-buffer format 22(32-bit)
Log: Using depth-buffer format 77(32-bit)
Log: Creating device
Log: xD3DHelper::Init (QuadEmulation)
Log: OS doesn't support IME.
Log: Startup time: 19.784000 seconds
Log: Precaching: ChaosNoIntro.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.054 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.000 seconds
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:Package.ChaosGUI_MainMenu
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Tom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Axon
Log: URL: Adding default option team=1
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Tom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Axon?team=1
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
ScriptLog: ChaosGUI_MainMenu NotifyLevelChange PendingConnection:False
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Tom id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
ScriptLog: PreClientTravel
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:None
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Tom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Axon
Log: URL: Adding default option team=1
Log: Browse: CTF-Face3?Game=ChaosGames.ChaosCTF?Mutator=?bAutoNumBots=False?NumBots=2?Listen?Name=Tom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Axon?team=1
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 53968->50868; refs: 779916
Log: Game class is 'ChaosCTF'
Log: Fixing up CTF-Face3
Log: Bringing Level CTF-Face3.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 61.077000...
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
ScriptLog: bAutoNumBots: False
CHAOS_CTF: Did not find ChaosUT running, will load it now.
Log: SR: Loaded grammar file ../Speech\CTF.xml
Log: MasterServerUplink: DoUplink is False, not connecting to Epic master server
ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Tom id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
NetComeGo: Open myLevel 08/27/04 18:07:45
Log: Precaching: CTF-Face3.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 9700884 vertex bytes, 1341600 index bytes
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Preprocessing: Vertex stream total vertices: 542 Orig wedges: 542
Log: Allocating 17544 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 3.147 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 7.745 seconds
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
ScriptLog: Initializing Chaos PRI for CTF-Face3.ChaosCTFPlayer
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection 08/27/04 18:08:03
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: Failed to load 'Material ChaosGraffiti.KS_SprayPaintb': Failed to find object 'Material ChaosGraffiti.KS_SprayPaintb'
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
NetComeGo: Open myLevel 08/27/04 18:12:57
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
ScriptLog: New Player CheckOutMyAbs id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
ScriptLog: Initializing Chaos PRI for CTF-Face3.ChaosCTFPlayer
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection 08/27/04 18:15:43
NetComeGo: Open myLevel 08/27/04 18:15:43
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
NetComeGo: Open myLevel 08/27/04 18:16:41
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
ScriptLog: New Player CheckOutMyAbs id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
ScriptLog: Initializing Chaos PRI for CTF-Face3.ChaosCTFPlayer
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: CUTRifle CTF-Face3.CUTRifle (Function ChaosUT.CUTRifle.BringUp:00AF) Accessed None 'myHUD'
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection 08/27/04 18:19:03
Log: Preprocessing: Vertex stream total vertices: 86 Orig wedges: 86
Log: Preprocessing: Vertex stream total vertices: 62 Orig wedges: 62
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
Warning: SpawnActor failed because class ChaosMeleeWeapon is abstract
ScriptLog: A tab with the caption Chaos Settings already exists.
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Tom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Axon
Log: URL: Adding default option team=1
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Tom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Axon?team=1
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Tom id=8589f7949dd1616692407e4b5df68331
Log: MatchViewportsToActors: ChaosGames.ChaosGUI_MainMenu
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:Package.ChaosGUI_MainMenu
Debug: ChaosGUI_MainMenu.Opened() Sender:None
Log: appRequestExit(0)
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Exit: Game engine shut down
Log: Unbound to WinDrv.dll
Exit: Windows client shut down
Log: Unbound to D3DDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to XGame.dll
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to Editor.dll
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: Unbound to XInterface.dll
Log: Unbound to UWeb.dll
Log: Unbound to Onslaught.dll
Log: Unbound to ALAudio.dll
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Exit: OpenAL Audio subsystem shut down.
Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection 08/27/04 18:19:55
Exit: Socket shut down
Log: (Karma): MePoolMallocDestroy(): 164848544 structs still allocated
Log: Garbage: objects: 63851->0; refs: 779916
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 334 MByte 844 KByte 427 Bytes from HD took 40.080354 seconds (39.863354 reading, 0.217000 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 1.444009 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Memory Allocation Status
Uninitialized: Curr Memory 19.088M / 24.688M
Uninitialized: Peak Memory 222.130M / 226.699M
Uninitialized: Allocs 1213 Current / 10201949 Total
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 08/27/04 18:19:56
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Posts: 2638
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Post by jeditobe1 »

Hmm thats weird, its not even saying the mutator is selected/active when you load the map.

Dont suppose you have any weird or extra chaos ucl files floating around? There should be a ChaosUT2.ucl in UT2004\System and a ChaosGames.ucl in ChaosUT2\System.
I make Darth Vader look like a teenage punk with a lightsaber.
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Post by tomchick »


I did a search for all the *.ucl files in my UT2004 directory and there didn't seem to be ChaosUT related ones anyplace other than what you mentioned.

BTW, one of the community expansion packs installed a mutator called something like Worms: Arena Plus. With this, I can limit games to a single weapon, including the Chaos UT weapons, but it won't include any of the weapons' extra ammo types. I presume that something that the ChaosUT weapon arena mutator does? In which case, I'd really like to get it working.

the magical link fairy
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Post by TKATK »

tomchick wrote:jedi,

I did a search for all the *.ucl files in my UT2004 directory and there didn't seem to be ChaosUT related ones anyplace other than what you mentioned.

BTW, one of the community expansion packs installed a mutator called something like Worms: Arena Plus. With this, I can limit games to a single weapon, including the Chaos UT weapons, but it won't include any of the weapons' extra ammo types. I presume that something that the ChaosUT weapon arena mutator does? In which case, I'd really like to get it working.

its WoRm2k4

never used the arena mut's os i cant give anymore info bout' that
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