hello im new here

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hello im new here

Post by opticon »

hello i was told to contact you guys about this so here i am. i am kinda new to the UT modeing front. and i would like to learn more. im moding for ut2k4 and i have a new weapon that i would love to put in thats going to be part of a tc mod later on. let me show you some pics of my sword.




this is the sword i designed in max 7 i have even redone the run animation to support this weapon. my problem is i have no idea how to get the sword in the game and i have no idea how to animate the sword in max so unreal will like it. nobody on the 3d buzz forums seam to want to help. i am hopeing you guys can help me.

thanks in advance
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Post by neolith »

That's a good looking sword you created! The screenshots are a little dark though, make sure to switch the texture in max to 100% self illumination next time.

How to get the sword into the game depends a bit on what you want to do with it there. Do you want it just to be a prop or do you want it to be a new weapon, etc. ..?

Oh, I forgot: Welcome to the forums! :)
–The biggest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.–
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Post by opticon »

yes i want it to be a new weapon.im makeing a tc i have a thread about it over on 3dbuzz if you would like i will post it here too. but for now i just want to get my sword in the game and the run animation i made for it. i want to later coade the alt fire to switch stances kinda like the old bushido blade game on ps1 im its for a hand to hand style fighting, in my mod. but right now i just want to get the sword ingame and able to swing. and what not. im prepaired to do as much work as needed.
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Post by opticon »

so do you think you can help?

by the way an update on the sword with self illuminated textures.

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Post by neolith »

Unfortunately I am but a modeler, when it comes to coding, all I can do is guess. One of the coders should be able to answer this.
–The biggest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.–
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Post by opticon »

right now its still in max and unanimated. man i wish this was as easy as it is for morrowind where all you have to do is model it and the game takes care of the rest. but like i said i want to learn this very badly and am willing to jump through any loops needed. what i would like to know is do i have to animate it and make the gosted animations like in ut 99 or is this able to do with out it? also im not good at modeling hands any suggestions? idealy you will only see the 3rd person perspective when useing melee weapons. so i am hopeing i dont have to make any fps animations but right now i just want to get it working.
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Post by Deapblade »

HINT: If you want your answers faster then the forums you should jump into the IRC channel.
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Post by opticon »

your going to laugh and make fun of me for this one. but umm i dont have irc. and i um dont know how to use it.
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Post by opticon »

what program should i use if you point me in the right direction im sure i can get it figured out.
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Post by Deapblade »

Hmm, I am surprised no coder or other person crossed your thread yet.
Anyway, for IRC I would advise Trillian or Gaim. Gaim is an opensource program, so it is free. The shareware Trillian is actually a trail version but there is no time limit on the use of it. It just has a little less options than his pro version. Trillian is probably more beginners friendly.


And if you are going to use Gaim, I would suggest to bookmark this site:

The IRC channel is located here:
Server: irc.chaoticdreams.org
Channel: #chaoticdreams
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Post by lord_kungai »

Hey opticon,

It seems to me that someone has suggested that you put your request in this forum, without telling you why. Have you player Chaos UT? You said that you wanted to make a mod which has this sword as a weapon, and then you said that you wanted to have alt fire change the stance. Chaos UT already has melee weapons such as a katana, just like this one, but a little different, a warhammer, mace, daggers, etc. Check out the mod just for a few ideas, such as stance switching, then maybe making a weapon could become easier.

BTW: cool sword!!!
<center><a href="http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/" target="new"><img src="http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/pureevil.jpg" border=0></a></center>
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Post by The_0men »

(drool) Katana.... (drool) katanas......my presious!

~ The 0men ~
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Post by jb »


sorry for the delayed reply on my part. I have been busy. We also have a 3rd melee system and we do know lots of things about melee/moding in general. So what type of help did you need? And you only wanted 3rd animations correct? Just want to make sure we know what your after...
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Post by opticon »

sorry for not getting back to this my self i was busy scowering the net for tutorials. well that didnt work at all.

acctualy i just found the ece today so i was able to crack open some chaos finaly. and yah it was cool as hell. you guys totaly lived up to ut99
only thing that stuck out to me was the weapons stance in running. not too great. but any way im not here to critque your mods cause there awsome and far better then what i can do right now.im going to go ahead and post my tc mod idea here so you can get an idea of what i want to do. and why im wanting to do it. its long and i will post in a second reply so this one doesnt get bogged down.
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Post by opticon »

// ==================================================
// game play
// This is just the outline for some of the game play elements in the mod it will try to explain how
// it functions and how it reacts to your actions during the game play.
// ==================================================

-Game play-

you can move pretty much the same as in the original ut2k4. there will only be a change
in movement in zero gravity environments. In zero grave you will be able to propel yourself only with gunfire,
rocket busters or when in a space ship. thetas the only way it would be possible. your boots will have a magnetic
sole built in it will not be very powerful and will need augmenting but will have the chance to be very strong and with
a motion detection chip allow for ease of movement and give you the ability to walk as if you were on a planet.
the zero gravity environment is the only place you will use them. planet side movement is restricted to walking running
jumping swimming falling and what not. also there will be plenty of vehicles to play with.

if you manage to get one you will be the owner of it and beadle to sell it. you may not steal vehicles from netplayers but you may sell them or give them to players.
maps my be moded in single player but not for net games your credits when in a net game will start at zero but will be added
to your single player game if you want it too. you can import anything from your netgame to you single player game but
not the other way around.

-player GUI-

the GUI and the HUD are different. the GUI is for interaction with the world and you character directly or for trading and
selling and buying goods. you will have Aug slots and armor slots the Aug slot are for implants that can be put in
for a small fee by any ships doctor or by a planet side doctor provided he has the training and equipment.

-how augs work-
this is kind of like deus ex but more stylized you will have augs for seeing and movement, aiming and hand to hand fighting,
and stealth. you will have more then one and always be able to get an update augs do not change through experience like skills
the more you do something the better you get at it this is not so with augs. you will have the choice of what kind of augs you use
as well some will be temporary and some will be permanent you will also find some that are broken and can be repaired before
implanting you will also find some that are broken and cannot be repaired. the ones that are temporary will not be useable more then


mostly I would like to rely on your own skills with a keyboard and mouse but some of it needs to be done ingame as well
the skill try will read like this. all skills will be show with base status and augmented status to you or anyone who examines you
and this will show how much augmenting you have gone through

skill | description
speed | determines how fast a player can move in a gravity based environment will also play a role in 0 grav environments

intelligence | your smarts it also affects your weapons to a small degree if you not smart there will be some weapons that will overheat
or break on you with repeated use. also plays a small role on your Chakra abilitys. also controls how many seals you can use
on one spell, obviously if you learn a spell and cannot do all of the seals required you will have to get smarter and train more.
seals only work off of base intelligence which will be displayed next to you current status

wisdom | how well you can use Chakra in hand to hand combat the better your wisdom is the less Chakra you use when attempting
to use a scroll or seal in hand to hand combat. this skill also shows how well you will perform seals and read scrolls

Spirit | this is the amount of Chakra you can use and how powerful it is the more you use it the more it goes up after resting.
if this gets too low it will affect your performance in combat hth or with a weapon this will also drain your strength if depleted
it will make you pass out if it reaches 0 and you will have to rest till it replenishes if you over tax yourself you may run the risk of
causing a status effect such as a stained muscle or even pulling something and ripping. you must see a doctor if this occurs
or you will further damage the tissue and that may damage your performance till you visit a doctor and get it to heal before fighting or
doing much exploration again.

endurance | this sets your running time and how much Chakra you can use before passing out. if it runs out you are unable to fire accurately
you will also be unable to perform Seals Properly and allow you to this will lower your intelligence if you run your self in to the ground allot
your intelligence will return but you will have to rest for a little while.

strength | this is also governed by endurance as the less endurance you have the lower the cap on your strength will be.
| your strength will not be allowed to go past that cap unless augmented. the more strength you have the less your
endurance will decrease. it also affects your carrying weight and what weapons you can and cannot use. it also
affects your size the stronger you get the bigger you get.

lore | This is how many scrolls you can use and mix also how many songs may be used in a battle or before and after
lore is for bard style play mostly but also directly affects the ninja class as well.


any class can use any weapons and items used will be boosted by the class that is suppose to use them. say a sniper uses a katana
he can swing it and use some of the Chakra skills tied to it but only a ninja class can unlock the pure power of this weapon. but a ninja can
use a sniper rifle because ninja are a multi class character.

a character can only choose one class at in the beginning. after he reaches level 10 he can switch classes but must raise it to level 10 before
he changes again. when you have 2 classes at lvl 10 you may multiclass to create new classes. the formulas for the classes will be given to you
when you find the skill charts for each class. you may not use the class till you have the chart. you will also be capped at 4 combinations
this also may be augmented for an astranomical price. if you mix more then one class you will gain abilities and lose abilitys. some times
you will lose the best abilitys of both classes. you will always beadle to cross classes but with out the charts you will have allot of latent abilities
meaning you will not beadle to use the Chakra abilitys that come with that class. also your status are 3/4 of what they would be with the skill charts
you will also hold the class title of tweener that means your trying to get your favored class before your eligible.

class names will include

shootest - a person proficient with small arms like hand guns and small rifles.
specializes in both hand guns and rifles but is better with small caliber guns. and if the int. is high enough good with energy based
weapons. this is the general title for a starting gun based character. has some hth Chakra abilitys but will not survive in hth with a person
proficient to hth skills.

sharpshooter - a person able to use rifles with deadly accuracy when fully trained they are deadly accurate
can also use handguns in close quarters but would prefer to use rifles and avoid close quarters all together. this class prefers medium
caliber rifles and can be found on most planets as a hunter or a hired assassin when combined with shootest and monk the bounty
Hunter class will be unlocked.

Bounty hunter - the class that is used mostly as a means of getting money. a bounty hunter is one that tracks people across the globe
ready to die at any minute for money there known as the slime of the galaxy. most would turn there own grandma in for bounty money if
there was one. they also are good with any weapon needed but have very very little Chakra skills. when mixing classes a shootest and
sniper this class is unlocked it is also one of the needed classes for ninja

Monk - this class uses hth mostly and treys to spread teach people there usually a happy people that believe violence is only a last resort
but can defend them selves very well if needed. weapons for this class are all hth base like clubs poles and small one handed swords they
cannot use two handed swords well. and break guns usually apon first use. this class combined with bounty hunter this is one of the classes
used to unlock ninja.

Bard - this class is almost pure Chakra it can use some small arms like cross bows and swords and small caliber hand guns but scrolls and
songs are this classes specialty. it is able to mix songs to increase performance or lower the guard of an enemy they can also distract with there
highly stylized dance seals. ever dance can be mixed with a song to increase the power or mix effects. bards are for the most part noncombatants
and are not for fighting with but every solo bard needs a means of defense. this is also a money making class cause you can dance and sing in bars
allowing you to earn a share of the profits. the more you use your skills the better you get. you earn experience through singing and dancing more the
fighting. this is really for some one that enjoys a lax life. this class also goes in with the others to create the ninja class

medic- this class is the base class of the healing classes unable most weapons it is used for mostly support. this class is the first step in healing
it uses medicines and items to heal it cannot heal badly damaged players but will beadle to restore life and cure most poisons but cannot cure sickness
or diseases. they can only splint broken limbs cannot mend them they can cure cuts and bursas but not heal them they can stop bleeding and keep a
player from dyeing. but not cure them completely. any status effects above poison and bleeding is beyond there abilitys

doctor- this class has all the tools and is only available after the medic reaches lvl 10 this class can fix anything if your sick see a doctor if your wounded
see a doctor. this is the class you get when mixing monk and medic together.

light Oracle - this class is above doctor this class can bring the dead back to life on the spot. only available when the doctor class and subclasses of doctor class
reach lvl 30 this class does not use items and medicine to cure wounds or reanimate fallen players it uses pure Chakra this class is only available when
mixing monk bard and medic and doctor of lvl 20 together. this class may only use staves for attacking this class may also be used to upgrade any other class
with the ability to raise fallen players after its mixed with other classes. can warp to different towns as long as they have been visited

demo man - and explosives engineer. able to topple tall buildings with well placed explosives.
this class uses grenades and grenade launchers to attack this class is very volatile and can use any
explosive in the game. it is unable to use melee weapons other then its fists and feet. this is the base class for dark oracle

Engineer - this class is the next class up when mixing demo man and monk this class is the expert for destroying things with
a fiery blaze. able to create there own explosives making them invaluable in a party or even solo . this class it the final step to Dark Oracle

Dark Oracle - this class is almost the mirror image of the light Oracle exempt for the fact that they do not heal they only destroy. the dark oracle
can use Black Chakra spells to create explosions with out explosives they can even create portals to there home town to slip in to if things get nasty
but that takes them out of the party completely. leaving there teammates behind to suffer the wrath of the stronger enemy alone. this class will power another
class with dark powers when mixed with other classes you cannot mix light Oracle and Dark Oracle together or you will negate all there strengths and expose all there
weaknesses. this is almost a must for any ninja.

// ==================================================
// Weapons Group Out line
// This is just an outline of some of the weapons and items and there functions.
// it will also give a small outline of the Item and Weapons Augmentations that are possible.
// ==================================================

- Weapons -
>type< ((Projectile))

Gauss guns
two types Rifle and Hand Gun

a weapon that has the power to punch through the thickest body armor and energy shields. this is a
very unstable weapon and if allowed to over heat may melt the berral of the weapon thus rendering
it useless.

-Augmentation slots = 2
-Augmentation slot Upgrades available = 2 for a max of 4 augslots
-weapon augments available = The rifle is able to use any scope for projectile weapons available this highly
versatile weapon is also capable of heavy augments for accuracy and power.

two types of automatics
full and semi

Full auto
the full auto give the user the chance to squeeze the trigger and let a storm of bullets fly with out
having to worry about accuracy or anything for that matter most will be belt fed with a large amount
of shots to chew through. the larger ones will have the ability to punch through walls taking out
any organic or inorganic life form weak enough to be hit by this weapon. the smaller full autos like
will shoot smaller bullets at a higher rate of fire they will also do far less damage. you will be unable
to mount a scope on this with out heavy augments to it. but as in the real world any thing is possible
if your willing to work for it. the kick from this gun will walk the barrel right up at any angle that its held in.

semi auto
semi like full auto will have large clips but semi auto's will be by far more accurate.
they will also beadle to have mounted scopes on them with out much augmentation to them at all.
the kick from this weapon will not be very much but it will still dance upwards slowly when unagmented

augment slots = Full auto 1
augment slots = semi auto 4
augment slot upgrades = full auto 10
augment slot upgrades = semi auto 2

single shot weapons
10 types of each exists both energy based and projectile based.

hand guns Projectiles
10 hand guns ranging from the smallest caliber to the largest caliber exists with the
ability to load every thing from 22 caliber to 50 caliber depleted uranium slugs this class of projectile
weapons are the most ideal weapons for planetary based fights. almost useless in space because of the ability to
shoot projectiles that could damage the inside of a space ship to the point of collapse there not common in space missions

Aug slots = 20
Aug slot upgrades = 0
Aug types = scopes(hand guns don’t normally use scopes but they are able to have them), recoil dampers, sound dampers, range
increases, laser sites, barrel switching, ricochet visor agmentable.

same as handguns

Aug slots = 10
Aug upgrades = 10

energy weapons
ideal for space battles able to burn a hole through flesh but not powerful enough to rip through the hull of a space station
these light weight weapons are capable of passing through material with out harming it making it able to penetrate the most
thickest armor with out damaging it. or for saving a hostage held at gunpoint. just target your something and fire anything in
between you and it will phase through any object and hit its target with out any damage to its surroundings. has the ability to
slice a man or beast in half without damaging so much as its hair. only internal organs and skin will be targeted unless you target
an inorganic object its self then you will destroy it from the inside out. it also has the ability to melt circuits and fry hard drives
so its also ideal for killing androids.

Aug slots = 3
Aug upgrade slots = 0

Aug types = only though augs can you phase the beam though objects the base model damages all that it hits.
there are three augs for such control and you use them all for that purpose only. one allows you to sight in with the
inferred and x-ray scopes and the other one allows the beam to pass through objects that you are locked on to.

hand to hand

you are only able to augment this with implants to your body. the more implants you receive the faster your abilitys Rae
but too many implants can be detrimental to you as they cannot be removed. when you put in an implant you must be sure you want it
cause if you remove it and you may lose use of that slot completely or your heart may stop or it could turn your char in to a
brainless zombie, or you could be just fine. it may even only make your screen a little static when in first person view
depending on where and what you augmented. you can have them professionally removed which lowers the chance of you having a detrimental effect
that cannot be reversed. only when don’t professionally can your determents be reversed.


this is a small list of items and augs or items used in augmenting.
it also gives the ingredients to make weapons and augments for weapons.
and the tools needed to use them.


Coming soon
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