I'm not so smart...

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I'm not so smart...

Post by FragPunk182 »

Ummm... i have UT GOTY and how do you get into Chaos? i cant figure it out. please help
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Post by FurrySound »


You need to make sure you are running v4.36 of UT. Some GOTYE has v4.32 from what I have heard.
Your best bet is to download the Full v1.1 installation UMOD is simplest, or nonumod if you want to manually do it. And also download the map packs... all this can be found here...

http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~chaotic/index.php <- just click the download link on the left side.

If you need more help or have any questions, please feel free to ask...

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Post by LoQtUS »

And Just cause you arn't sure of current versions does not mean that you are not so smart. It just means that you are New to this and could use a little help ;)
Chaotic Dreams Team
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Post by Jezz »

Incase you dont want to download it all there is an older version on the second CD but you most likely wont be able to connect to to many servers on the net If thats what your asking
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Post by Lothar{Moo} »

Ummm... i have UT GOTY and how do you get into Chaos? i cant figure it out. please help
If you have the GOTY edition, you can play Chaos.
If you're asking how to start a Chaos game

1. Make sure you've installed the Chaos files, they are on the second GOTYE disk.
2. Start the game, from the main menu click on GAME then START PRACTICE SESSION.
3. In the window that comes up there are 4 tabs at the top. Click on the Match tab. Click on the button that says MUTATORS and in the next window that comes up you will see what game-mutators are available to choose from. Double click on the Chaos Mutator in the left box and it will move to the right box (used Mutators). Check the 'Always Use This Mutator Configuration' box.
4. Choose your other game setting as desired but don't use the Volatile Ammo or Volatile Weapons Mutators as I understand they are not compatible with Chaos.
5. Up in the Main Menu, click on MOD and then ChaosUT Config. Here you can set the Chaos related keys to your liking.
6. You should now be playing Chaos. :twisted:

Good Luck!
- as you can see if you have further prollemz, there's usually someone or two or three around here to try and help :D
Lothar{Moo} :proxy:
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